Categories: USWorld

Sept./October 2012 Recognition Awards

GroundReport’s  Recognition Awards acknowledge outstanding reporters whose work reflects  impact, and  depth,  For September and October  we selected two deserving reporters-Dr. Howard  Fradkin and Dean Walker (second time recipient).
The award-winning articles will be featured on GroundReport’s front page.
The GroundReport Recognition Awards September/October 2012 have been made possible by a  donation from an anonymous benefactor.

Groundreport’s Recognition Award September/October 2012 winners:

"Successfully Facing Mental Health Challenges for Male Survivors of Sexual Victimization"

By Dr. Howard Fradkin

Dr. Fradkin is an Ohio Psychologist, and the author of the upcoming book, Joining Forces: Empowering Male Survivors to Thrive, to be published in November by Hay House. He is the Co-Chairperson of the MaleSurvivor (www.malesurvivor.org) Weekends of Recovery.

"Republicans and the Debt"

By Dean Walker

Dean Walker has been an environmental and human rights activist for over twenty years.He is a two time GroundReport Recognition Award winner.

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