Categories: World

Sharp reactions to Ahmadinejad´s speech.

There was uproar when Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today targeted a very depriving attacks against Israel at the UN conference about racism.

Several countries leaved temporary the conference.

Ahmadinejad used the unique opportunity to speak to large parts of the world.

At the UN conference in Geneva,he said that Israel is a racist state and that it has been created with the Holocaust as an excuse.

The reactions from the various capitals became burning.

France accuses Ahmadinejad to promote hatred and thought that EU should react strongly.

Before the conference,many have been very critical.

USA,Germany,Italy and Poland are examples of countries which boycotted the whole conference.

The reason is that when the UN last time held a similar conference on the same theme in Durban 2001,said several Arab interests to the conference that they should say that Zionism is racism.

Only one country was indicated  as an occupying power – Israel.

Susanne Nawitzky:
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