Sheshi power supply restore

Drosh electricity supply restore after intervention of district administration.
By: Gul Hamaad Farooqi
CHITRAL: Electricity supply from Sheshi power house to Drosh area restored after a long time. Talking to this scribe Abid Khan Muhmand additional assistant Commissioner Drosh said that people of the area were facing great troubles due to no electricity at Drosh. He said that Sheshi power house had some technical problems and AAC Drosh Abid Khan visited power house time and again and persuaded the administration of Sheshi power house for its maintenance and starting generating power. He said that supply of electricity restored on Sunday at Drosh area on the interference of district administration. Hence some local people told this scribe that some local parts were used in this German made power house as a result it generate only 1200 KV electricity instead of 1800 KV. AS well as power supply from Seenlasht power house also restored on Sunday as its water channel had damaged on 19th June and residents of the area repair it on self help basis voluntarily.

G. H. Farooqui: Free Lance Journalist from Chitral Pakistan and Human Rights Activist as well as Social Worker and Registered Volunteer
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