Tamil Nadu is facing an acute crisis of lack of adequate drivers to run the goods carriers, especially vehicles meant for long distance involving a number of days travel.
Various reasons have been ascribed to the shortage of drivers atleast a minimum requirement of 10,000 drivers immediately.The Tamil Nadu lorry owners association has also approached the transport minister K.N.Nehru to start a number of driving schools immediately.But the government is not in a position to start driving schools immediately.
Of late,drivers are willing to work for IT industries which are offering a very good salary and other perks.Drivers are also not willing to take heavy risks by travelling long distance by leaving their families.Another reason for the shortage of drivers is unemployed persons are not willing to work as drivers, since they are prone to be attacked with HIV, in the course of their long travel, by having intercourse with prostitutes.
Hence,lorry owners are actively considering other ways and means of recruiting drivers like by offering them high salary and other perks.
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