guys If you are serious about earning money on the Internet, you must learn how to build your own list. Discover a few simple strategies to build a large and growing list. The way to make consistent money on the Internet is to develop a large and growing list. If you are serious about earning money on the Internet, you must learn how to build your own list. After all, your income starts with your list! But the problem is, how do you get that list if you are just starting out?
Here are a few simple strategies that you can use to build your list:
First of all, look at what your competitors are doing. Find out how they gather email addresses. This technique may provide you with insight as to what appeals to your target audience. It allows you to see what types of tactics are working for others in your field. In addition, if your competitor has been using these same techniques for an extended period of time, it’s likely that it is a winning strategy. After all, they would not continue to use techniques that didn’t work.
Ideally, you should have an opt-in (squeeze) page on your website. This is a page that is specifically designed to capture the name and email address of your customers. In addition, add a sign-in box on every page of your site. Your website is usually the first place people look when they want information about your business. Don’t miss the opportunity to subscribe to your list when they visit your website.
Send a follow-up email after an order is placed and ask if they want to join your list. This can be a particularly effective method to grow your list. Offer an incentive for signing up. Locate a free gift, or something of value and offer it to individuals subscribing to your list. Your giveaway doesn’t have to be costly; it can be as simple as a free report or sharing your expertise in the form of a newsletter you publish.
Run a contest. Let your contacts know that they will get one entry in a drawing for each person they refer to your list. Of course, the better the prize, the better your response. Partner with a related business or organization. Think of a business or organization that’s related to your business, but isn’t a competitor. Work together to promote each other’s e-mail communications to your customers. Some good partnership examples are a tax accountant and a financial planner, a public relations firm and a website designer, or a theater and a nearby restaurant. Highlight your partner as a guest writer in your newsletter and ask that they do the same for you. At the end of each article, invite readers to join that author’s e-mail list.
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