According to a new study published in the British Journal of Cancer it has been found that Exercises have a positive effect in lowering the risk of colon cancer. This study is different from others in the sense that the researchers combined and analyzed several decades’ worth of data from past studies to find out the effect of exercises on colon cancer.
The study was conducted by Washington University School of Medicine in
People who exercised the most were 24% less likely to develop the disease than those who exercised the least. According to the lead study author, Kathleen Y. Wolin, the study clearly establishes the association between exercise and lower colon cancer regardless of how physical activity was measured in it. This indicates that there is a robust association to establish the fact that physical activity truly protects one from colon cancer.
The study is most comprehensive due to the fact that it had analyzed data pertaining to 52 studies done in the past beginning from 1984.
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