Singer Russel Watson Undergoes Brain Surgery.

Singer Russell Watson is undergoing surgery to remove an ” aggressive” brain tumour, said his Manager. Watson is being treated at the private Alexxanda Hospital in Cheshire. The singer was recording on wednesday when he was taken ill.He had a benign brain tumour removed last year.” this is a new tumour and a far more aggressive tumour than the one before”, said the 40-year-old tenor’s Manager, Richard Thompson.

The Salford-born singer who used to be a factory worker before he turned to a singer, has sold more than four million albums worldwide. A message on Watson’s official website confirmed” with much sadness” that the star was” in a critical condition”.

”All our hopes, prayers and wishes are with him and we hope to bring more uplifting news later on today after he is out of the operating theatrre”, It continued.

A spokeeswoman for the hospital in cheadle confirmed that Watson was admitted on wednesday afternoon.

Hanson Okoh:
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