Sleep-Deprivation Could Lead To Weight Gain

Having a good night sleep is essential for the improvement of our health, but now, scientists give some more evidence to back up the effects of sleeping. According to a new study, people who have sleepless nights may be resulted to higher consumption of foods, move less and increase weight.

To determine the effects of sleeping less to the eating behaviour and weight of people, experts at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., studied 17 healthy volunteers with ages from 18 to 40. Within a week in their homes, scientists monitor how much each of the participants ate and slept.

After the monitoring, the participants were brought into the research lab of the clinic for 1 week and a day. Half of the participants were allowed to sleep based to their normal sleeping pattern and the other half of the group were us given two-thirds of their normal shut eye.

All the participants were allowed to eat as much as they can in the hospital cafeteria or from outside the research center. Experts also have monitored how much the energy of each volunteer exerted each day.

Volunteers who had a lesser sleep were reported to nibble an average of 549 calories further than their normal in take when they had a good sleep. Moreover, these participants were not burning calories compare to well-rested participants since they are tired and showed that they don’t want to move actively.burn

People normally think that when they had sleepless nights and work hard, they burn more energy thus burning fats, however, it shows that people who are deprived of sleep move less and don’t really burn calories, instead they are just gaining weight because they increased an average of 549 calories each day, according to Dr. Andrew Calvin, lead author of the study and an assistant professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic.

Those unburned calories resulted to a gain of weight, which researchers studied the link of this to some chronic health problems.

Researchers also found out that volunteers who got a lesser hour of sleep had higher levels of leptin and lower levels of ghrelin in their blood. Leptin is a hormone that curbs the appetite, while ghrelin is a hormone that stimulates the appetite.

According to Calvin, the hormones are more responsible to the outcome than the choice of people in eating more.

Australian researchers found out in a 2011 study that adults who went to bed earlier tend to become slimmer that those people who stayed up late.

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