Categories: Music & Film

Slide, Rocket and Roller coaster – Surprising

  What are these? Slide, rocket and roller coaster – Disneyland rides? Most probably you are thinking so. But no, they are commonly used descriptions of price changes. The price of a mid performance computer took a dramatic slide from around $3000 in 2005 to around  $1000 in 2006.Occasionally, a price will rocket .But a price rocket ,like a satellite – launching rocket ,has a limited life. It eventually runs out of fuel .One spectacular price rocket occurred when the price of coffee shot skyward from 60 cents a pound in 2005 to $3 a pound in 2006.Over longer periods, the price of coffee ,along with the prices of bananas and other agricultural commodities ,rises and falls like a roller coaster ride. Many economic terms are amazing like this. I feel much more interest when I study economics because it is an interesting subject.        

Mohammad Saiful Islam: I am Mohammad Saiful Islam from Dhaka.I am a student of BBA of Dhaka University,Dhaka,Bangladesh.I am interested in Citizen Jurnalism.I think Ground Report is a reliable platform for Citizen Jurnalism.
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