Invest in big companies while they are small. That is the rule of thumb in the venture capital world, according to Michael Granger, founder and chairman of Capital Access Forum (CAF Investments, LLC) and an e-LYNXX Corporation Board Member.
Venture capitalists expect that the start-up or developmental-stage businesses in which they are investing will grow rapidly and scale up. That is the typical scenario. With e-LYNXX Corporation, however, Granger said founder and CEO William Gindlesperger has developed his idea to streamline procurement while reducing the measurable costs of procured goods and services, tested it and invented and patented a technology that has brought the concept of automated vendor selection (AVS) technology to reality.
“This was done with zero venture capital,” Granger added. “The investment to Mr. Gindlesperger has been sleepless nights, precious few vacations over many years and tens of millions of dollars. As a small company with a valuable patented offering, e-LYNXX fiercely guards its hard-earned intellectual property. And, it has rightfully done so.”
In some respects, the e-LYNXX story is typical of what is going on in the technology field these days. Entrepreneurs like Gindlesperger are cashing in on patent-protected innovations. And with companies the likes of Google flush with cash, there is a mad rush in the technology industry to secure valuable intellectual property before competitors snap it up.
“When you speak with William Gindlesperger, you are left with no doubt that his company’s mission is to revolutionize the way hundreds of billions of dollars of customized goods and services are procured by organizations every day,” Granger said. “His AVS TechnologyTM is integral to all e-commerce systems that practice automated vendor selection as part of a competitive strategy for the procurement of custom goods and services.”
Not one to shy away from big challenges, the e-LYNXX staff of procurement and IT professionals has lined up print procurement in the company’s cross hairs. Having spent the last 35 years helping printers secure government printing business, and grown up in the family-owned printing business in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, Gindlesperger feels well equipped to tackle the massive amount of direct mail, marketing, packaging and labels that organizations procure each year, because he has proven that traditional procurement methods are far less efficient and more costly than the e-LYNXX approach. By tying his AVS TechnologyTM to a proprietary workflow and communication system offered by e-LYNXX, the procured costs of print drop by 25% to 50%, on average 42% compared to the prior price using any other competitive method.
Granger said Gindlesperger is quick to tell prospective clients that they have a huge cost item hiding in plain sight that ranges from 2% to 20% of their total revenues. The reason is that print is often decentralized, mis-categorized and not a consolidated balance sheet line item. Even what is print and what is not print is not well understood as print covers anything where information is placed on a substrate… from truck wraps to annual reports, from bottle and can wrappers to FDA inserts, from direct mail to blister packaging, from ice cream boxes to ketchup packets and McDonald’s burger wrappers.
Seeing how the e-LYNXX procurement process can boost the bottom line is what makes CEOs, CFOs and other decision makers realize that procuring print must be reeled in so that huge savings can be better utilized than just fattening vendor wallets. Print procurement must be a corporate strategy, as important as the marketing or sales strategy, and likely to produce as much profit.
“The initiative and innovation of William Gindlesperger and e-LYNXX illustrate what is right with our system and what is needed to pull us out of the economic quagmire that we seem to be stuck in now,” Granger concluded.
About e-LYNXX Corporation
e-LYNXX Corporation patented the technology integral to e-commerce. Endorsed by Educational & Institutional Cooperative Purchasing (E&I) and Printing Industries of America (PIA), e-LYNXX drives results through its three divisions. â— AVS TechnologyTM licenses the patented*automated vendor selection procedure used in e-commerce and procurement systems. â— American Print Managementprovides web-based system, services and patented AVS TechnologyTM to reduce substantially the procured costs of direct mail, marketing, publications, packaging, labels and other procured print. â— Government Print Management offers effective U.S. GPO bid services and strategies.– 888-876-5432
*U. S. Patent No. 6,397,197, Patent No. 7,451,106, post-Bilski Patent No. 7,788,143, and Continuing Application 12/855,423 (collectively, the AVS TechnologyTM) – This thicket of patents covers all custom goods and services, not just print. To inquire about licensing, contact Anthony Hawks at 888-876-5432 or Michael Cannata at 905-773-2207.
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