‘You were looking very pretty and beautiful, when you were young and small.’ When a lover whispers these words in his lover’s ears, it evokes instant reprobation, sometimes provokes laughter, sometimes anger that is ephemeral and transitory, but one cannot deny the truth that ‘small is beautiful’
‘Small is beautiful’ does connote many a things.A thing being small, it has got its own and many advantages. It looks better and more beautiful than bigger things comparatively. It costs less and cheaper; It weighs less; It occupies a lesser space or small space.It is economical;It is frugal;It is stingy;But considering all the above aspects of smallness in its totality, merits of being small outweighs the demerits of being small.Hence we can safely conclude small is beautiful.
One cannot deny the fact whether it be a young child or a tiny tot or a younger animal like a calf, a cub, a tiny elephant, an animal which is normally looking ugly like a donkey or a buffalo are looking smart when they are young and small. It is a pity that the niceties of a child, its softness, its tenderness, its charm and beauty are once and for all gone when the child grows big and attains adulthood.
The concept ‘small is beautiful’ is very relevant and useful in the modern days. Especially in countries like India and China, where population explosion and its control is a nightmare.While China being the topper and India is the runner-up in terms of its total population in the world running into hundreds of millions It is time and again announced and repeatedly campaigned that a ‘small family is ideal and good for the well being of the family and its growth.While China has been adopting forceful methods and vigourous campaigns among the people to drive home the point that small family is an ideal family and accordingly people are forced to adopt a small family with only one child under the threat that the concessions extended to them for having a small family are no more available when they exceed the limit fixed by the Chinese government.
Leave alone these advices to have a small family.A small family is an ideal family capable of achieving its ideas or ideals into reality and of course in the process, a small family becomes the self-contented family and the envy of others.
When we look for examples in the modern world that ‘small is beautiful’, we have a classic example from the automobile industry. Struggling under the price hike of fuels like gas or petrol or diesel etc, people are veering towards smaller vehicles from the bigger ones.The days are not far off when the roads are flooded with smaller cars which may prompt us to comment ‘small is always beautiful’
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