Truth is spread to the world with Social Media: 04/20/09
By Owen Meany, News and Views.
Social Media companies like Facebook and Twitter are helping ministries in the Southern California region of the United States, introduce themselfs to the world and spead the Love of the Lord around the globe.
Prophet Bryant William Hewitt can be heard via twitter
Via the website of it does not all happen in one night. The media is a ground that needs to be used correctly or the wrong type of traffic will be attracted to this social media group
Bishop Ken Ulmer of Faithful Central announced they were to tweet and twit the love of the Lord. Many other larger ministries are using this to bring in the extended family from outside of the state, where the ministries are based. And help ministries grown from finance to future speaking engagements.
Other Large ministries to join the tweet group, West Angeles Church with Bishop Charles Blake, Bishop Noha Jones of The CIty of Refuge, and Dr. Fred Price of the Faith Dome.
Communication is to raise the spear of truth, to bring the lost fold into a fold of loving enternity.
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