Categories: Politics

Socialists and Democrats Unite – in Serbia

Posted by Ljubisa Bojic to Global Voices Online

The main committee of Socialist Party of Serbia decided to form a government with a coalition gathered around the Democratic Party. This means Serbia will continue on its way towards European Union integration. On this issue, all other political options had similar goals. The only difference was policy on southern Serbian province Kosovo, which recently declared independence.

Many bloggers reacted to this B92 news as Slobodan Milošević’s Socialist Party of Serbia is about to come to power again after a silent revolution that occurred in 2000.

Waters comments (SRP):

Who could dream 8 years ago, that in this short time political stage would tremendously change in Serbia? [Vojislav] Koštunica Democratic Party of Serbia has close ties with Serbian Radical Party. On the other hand, Democratic Party is collaborating with Socialistic Party of Serbia. […]

Mica is one of many disappointed citizens:

Politicians and policies in Serbia never change. They are the same! With this kind of government, fight against criminal and corruption is not possible. Cooperation with The Hague Tribunal is impossible, too. […]

Katakomba is skeptic about EU changing its policy towards new government in Serbia:

New ruling majority will face first great challenge sometime in September, because question of “repressed minorities” in Serbia will be the subject of European Commission. Permitting entry of observer’s mission is next requirement that we would have to fulfill on our road to EU. After that, “justified requests for territorial autonomy” will follow [the other province in Serbia, Vojvodina would request autonomiy]. Scenario in which our country would be torn apart will repeat. Sorry for my pessimism, but I do not think they will leave us alone despite this government is according to delicate taste of “international community”.

Novosađanin expressed his concern that Serbian capital city may get all the glory and attention of new government:

I did not think Boris Tadić from Belgrade, president of Belgrade Democratic Party, which is dominated by people from Belgrade, would be brave enough to appoint Prime Minister who is not from Belgrade. Should everything be in Belgrade or from Belgrade? I would wish [Serbian] Radical [Party] in power (in Belgrade city). That would be chance for development of other parts of Serbia.

This way, in 4 years, Belgrade will be populated by 5 million of people and all the Serbs will not be in same country but they will go across same Gazela [bridge]. So, Belgrade people, it may be useful to hear voice coming from a side line spectator.

Тodorović Radivoj joins the conversation with legitimate economic concerns:

(…) [Next] prime minister should be aware that we would have to sell something big [in a process of privatization] until September, to keep state budget in balance. If we do not sell anything, credit lines can be used because we have to catch up with Hungary, which is 80 billion USD in depth. Our depth is just 27 billion USD.

The other B92 report made even larger spree of comments. In the text Ivica Daćić, president of SPS, stated that Democratic Party would have Prime Minister Position in a new government.

Ilija sums up [SRP]:

During their negotiations fuel prices have risen twice!!!

DaliborBG made a joke but he turns serious an the end of his comment:

As we are going to be under [Ivica] Dačić baton [he might be new Minister of Interior Affairs], marked by [Žarko] Obradović pen [possible Minister of Education, also from SPS], I expect to see [Dragan Marković] Palma become Minister of Culture so we can all dance “kolo” [Serbian folk dance] while listening to the sounds of Beethoven!

[This statement refers to Marković’s answer to a question made by a Serbian FOX TV journalist. When she asked what kind of music he listened, Marković replied that the only musicians who did not play for him were Bethoveen and Chopin. “That was because I had been small then,” Marković added. This video became one of the most popular Serbian clip posted on YouTube.]

Democratic Party works against us all and this will be expensive for them. This should be topic of new movie, but in Hollywood!

Sava II is not so happy with current situation:

Decision makers in Socialist party [Of Serbia] betrayed their voters again. This political party keeps continuity with the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, which was founded in 1919. Under the name of Socialist Labor Party […]. Socialist Labor Party had similar moves before and this was not anything new. […]

Aleksandar says:

I am sure they will form the government by the end of July, so [politicians] could go to deserved vacation in August.

Everybody surely cannot be satisfied with the fact Serbia is about to get a new government. We shall see if these predictions of quoted bloggers turn out to be true.

Global Voices: Global Voices is a non-profit global citizens’ media project founded at Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society, a research think-tank focused on the Internet’s impact on society. Global Voices seeks to aggregate, curate, and amplify the global conversation online - shining light on places and people other media often ignore. We work to develop tools, institutions and relationships that will help all voices, everywhere, to be heard.
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