What we drink
We drink many kinds of liquids in a day. We may not even remember when and what we drink. But water is the most important thing we drink in large quantities everyday. More than 70 percent of our bodies are made of water. Most of the liquids we drink contain mainly water. The other liquids we drink day are-
a) Milk and its products like butter and others
b) Stimulants like tea coffee and boost
c) Additives, the so-called `health drinks’
d) Soft bottled drinks-soda and cool drinks
e) Fresh fruit juice
f) Alcohol
We shall not go into the details of water –we all know why we drink it. Let us go to the other important liquids we drink daily.
Soft drinks –aerated bottled drinks
Cola culture has spread for and wide in our country. It seems that we drink more soft drinks than water. In a few countries, a can of cola costs less than a liter of water!
Soft drinks may not be a health hazard taken in limited quantities. In large quantities, these drinks have the following disadvantages:-
a) They are high in sugar content. Each bottle of a soft drink contains about nine teaspoons of sugar.
b) They contain large quantities of empty calories which no nutritive value.
c) Colas contain large quantities of caffeine which can cause tooth decay in children and, in some children, behavioral discords.
d) They spoil appetite
e) They can cause gastric irritation and problems of acidity and bloating in the stomach
f) Most of these drinks are very expensive and not worth the money paid. A glass of fresh fruit juice or coconut water is far more nutritive and no harmful for health.
Coconut water drinking is good for health. Its control heat also.
Milk is energy food. To get the daily required dose of calcium, one will have to drink at least half of milk!
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