Solving Church Conflict – I
A case study
Church: The Tabernacle Church
Time: A.D 1996
Cause of conflict
Should the church join with the Thailand Baptist Churches Association or the
The responses
Since all the church leaders were from churches belong to the Evangelical Fellowship Churches of
How it was handled?
The pastor suggested that:
1. The church should discuss the matter carefully. It should give each one and individual leader an equal opportunity to explore the pros and cons of the idea.
2. There is no need to rush for a conclusion. The church must give sufficient Time for the decision process before a final conclusion is to be reached.
3. What ever the out come of the decision is, the church will respect the decision and work together whole heartedly with the organization joined.
4. Since most leaders did not know anything about Baptist, they should try finding time to attend classes at the Baptist Seminary to learn and know more about what Baptist is.
5. Teachers from Baptist should be invited to teach in the church.
The results
Thailand Baptist Churches Association accepted the church three years after the conflict first emerged.
Could the conflict be better handled?
The case was well handled by giving knowledge to leaders who were to make a decision. Time was also involved here. Three years is a long process of decision making. However it would much be better than tearing apart a church through hasty decision making.
A Bible example 1
1 Timothy 6:4, 20
2 Timothy
The cause
There was a theological conflict in the church.
The responses
The church ended up in controversies and quarrels between the Lord’s servant and church members.
The way being handled
Paul told Timothy to be patient and kind to those opposed his teaching. He must give time for the members to learn and digest his teachings.
The results
People gradually accepted Timothy as a young but capable church leader.
Could the conflict be better handled?
Time is important here. Timothy was patient and kind. He slowly instructed the Lord’s word to his people and gains their understanding eventually.
The writer of this article was a senior Pastor of the
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