Cancer cells form in everyone from time to time, but they do not necessarily develop into the full blown illness. Trillions of cells make up the human body. As each one wears out, a new cell replaces it. If something goes wrong in the replication process, however, an abnormal (or defective) cell is born. Our immune system normallly destroys defective cells. When for some reason a defective cell evades the immune system, the cell may begin to multiply out of control. This is cancer.
Every person can do seven easy things at home that may help discourage cancer, either by making the body a difficult place for cancer cells to grow or by strengthening the body’s imune system.
Make Your Body An Unwelcome Place For Cancer. There are simple things you can do to make your body an "inhospitable host" for cancer cells.
Cancer cells grow best with low oxygen levels in the tissue. You can increase the oxygen levels in your body by learning to breathe correctly. Keep your chest still and use the stomach muscles to take deep, full breaths, expanding your lungs fully. Take the occasional double breath by breathing in as much as you can and then forcing in a little more air. Exercise regularly outdoors, doing something you love.
Cancer cells get their energy from sugar. Avoid spiking your blood sugar level by limiting soft drinks, candy, cookies, cakes, and highly processed foods (e.g. fast foods). By eating a low glycemic diet, you deprive cancer cells of their favorite food and may discourage their growth.
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