Some Successful attack increase tension around the world.


Last one month especially last one week Islamic militants complete their target very successfully. They repeatedly attack their target and successful. They hit Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, turkey and around the world and they have reach their goal. What message they give their rival. So those who think it’s very easy to possible demolish Muslim Fighter may be now they are socked and my prediction this type of attack increase until foreign troops back from Iraq and Afghanistan. After some huge successful attack Muslim fighter should rearrange their confident and their opponent should lose their confident. So innocent people who want to peace in the world should need international pressure to America back troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, otherwise this fight spread around the world and once its turn on third world war.  We never ever want another world war.

Muhammad Azizur Rahman: I’m Muhammad Azizur Rahman Muslim and Bangladeshi. Myself I address as a freelance journalist. I write international issue and also about my country Bangladesh. Especially I write about the conspiracy against Muslim world and the Muslim nation around the world. As a freelance journalist I attempt to complete my duties . I'm not expected that's everyone accept my views but I honor them who visit my site and comments about my post . Note: I never ever fear any power without my creator Almighty mailto :md.azizur07.rahman@gmail.com www.groundreport.com/MuhammadAzizurRahman my.telegraph.co.uk/MuhammadAzizurRahman
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