Question: “Do you know who is worse than a person who murders or kills someone, or steals something that doesn’t belong to them?”
“No – you tell me?”
It is a person who “hates people and is hated by people.”
The main purveyor of hate in the world today is, of course Satan or the devil – who promised to pass on his sickening legacy of hate to the entire human race.
He is the father of lies and he rejoices when you say stuff like “I hate people”.
This is because when you say that – you have “murdered them in their hearts and minds”, according to Jesus in his now famous sermon on the Mount. A sermon that a lot of people hate and despise by the way (see article: Why people hate the Sermon on the Mount
Hatred is a main cause of strife in the world today.
It is a disease of the heart.
Hate is I would argue, one of the main attributes of Satan.
When you find people doing his bidding and saying stuff like “I hate people”, you know you have a very serious problem on your hands…I would council you to avoid them at all costs.
For example I know Muslims who hate Jews and Jews that hate Muslims.
I know Christians that hate both Muslims and Jews and I know Muslims that hate Christians and Jews…
I know people who hate others because of their skin color, their ethnic background, where they live and who they associate with… I know people who hate the opposite sex.
There seems to be no end to hatred of other people in this world by other people.
To those who hate people – I would say that it is clear evidence that the love of God is not in you and you should seek some serious spiritual counselling and guidance for your problem.
This is because hatred consumes a person if they are not careful.
Finding God, and seeking His help is the only real remedy to hate.
To those who feel hate coming on – you must try and avoid that at all costs.
If I could impart another bit of advice to people it is this: Do not die with any sense of hatred or rancor in your heart.
The reason for this is because it is a very serious spiritual and moral sin against God.
One that can caused you to go to hell if your not extremely careful.