South Korea To Build 10 More Nuclear Plants by 2030…….

Nuclear power has advantage in many areas like the fact that it avoids the wide variety of environmental problems arising from burning scarce fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. 

Due to these reasons, South Korea is now looking for 10 more nuclear power plants by 2030 to increase its renewable energy resources as part of a 100-billion dollar plan to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels.

South Korea is a highly industrialized nation with few natural energy sources. These nuclear plants will generate nearly 60 percent of their energy.

Through this way, South Korea will create more renewable energy resources to meet the country’s growing power needs and protect the environment.

The NEC (National Energy Committee) called for a dramatic increase in the amount of energy South Korea gets from renewable sources including solar and wind power and biofuels from 2.4 percent of total consumption today to 11 percent by 2030.

If the plan is going well, it would save the country 34.4 billion dollars in energy import bills by the target year and help create 950,000 new jobs.


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