South Sudan: Getting job is a for gotten agenda

Very many youths today in south Sudan are keeping the streets busy moving in search of job adverts. The question that hangs in their minds is who will real offer me a job. And the people were also asking that, will these youths really be employed and are there employers who are ready to offer job vacancies to these hunting youths? The answer is the getting job in South Sudan is a gotten agenda. The only option left is job creation.

The secret of job is Juba is not clear to those who did not get and known to the working people, if you are working hard to know the secret, at last there is no solution to it, but alternative option is thinking and creating a job. And if any South Sudanese who is moving on the streets thinking for employment, he/she should consider the following; first thing to consider is who do know and he/she is working, the second thing is who is he to you terms relationship, the third is what is he position, the forth in which institution is he/she working for, the fifth is what color do you bear, the sixth what tribe are you, seventh is you height, the eighth how have you been in contact with the person you think can connect to the job, the ninth physical ability, tenth is what powers does your job connector carries in that particular institution, the eleventh is from which side were you brought up in Sudan or refugee camp, the twelfth is what languages did you learn, the thirteenth is how many friends do you have and are all working, the fourteenth your participation during the Struggle in the Liberation process, the fifteenth is did you vote for the separation of South Sudan, if you meet the above requirements, then you are eligible for a job, but after struggle of not less than a year.

 The other things to consider are the most frequently asked questions employers do to those entering their offices in search of jobs; the first question most employers asks is; from which state are you, the second thing is from which county in that particularly state, the third is the Payam, the forth  Boma, the fifth is your father’s name, the sixth is some words of dialect  from that community to prove that you real come from that community, the seventh is what bribe will give in return and this applies mostly for ladies, the eighth is what honor will you give to him as you boss, ninth what is you relations with other states members and the last one is what qualification, unfortunate most of the employers even ignore the question of qualification because you even lost the job with the first mention conditions.

These has made many citizens who bear qualifications if apply for jobs are unable to get employed, it is neither because they are uneducated nor do they have no capabilities to handle technical jobs as others might think. In a short research some people satisfied that more than fifty percent of south Sudan youths are very competent, qualified, and professionals to handle any other type of job within his/her angle of qualification(s), some explained exactly why they are ever on the streets searching for jobs and at times could not get any chance, the reasons are because there are very many foreigners in south Sudan who claim to be south Sudanese.

And it’s true that when South Sudan was in war the people were unable to access good schools, even seeing a mere secondary school in a payam, county or a region was so difficult, that has blocked others youths from going to school and some youths left and join the Army to back the Liberation.

 After the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005, some parts of the Country started seeing secondary schools and with few high learning institutions and the Government advised the youth to leave the Army and go to school. Today South Sudanese were blessed with potential human resources from all the counties in south Sudan, south Sudan today has a big number of university graduates in various fields of education but the most worrying factor is that all these graduates are now on the streets moving from one office to the other, or from one notice board to another seeking and begging for jobs from foreigners, who came to south Sudan and claim to be nationals or international staff.

 How can the Government help to prevent fakery of documents, just after the declaration of the South Sudan, the ministry of Interior and Immigration has tried to make ways for these calibers of foreigners to obtain the new nationality certificate and passport, otherwise making it easy would allow many of them to claim nationality?

The people are now appealing to the ministry of labor to at least lay some strategies on how South Sudanese potential university graduates obtain jobs and help in the building of the new nation. Many job searchers disclosed that they are unable to be employed because human resource officers of many organizations are not South Sudanese. And that in that in this case when those Organization advertise for other job vacancies there is a possibility that this same human resource officers will still prefer to employ citizens from their own countries for the same jobs which are supposed to be offered to our youths.

“Believe me today that if all jobs are now handled by people from other countries other than South Sudanese, there will be a possibility that development in this country will be so slow, it might even come to a standstill because these same foreigners holding these positions are interested in sending what they earn to their respective countries to develop their economies, so I still urge that these jobs if offered to our own citizens will enable  them to earn something though little but could still help develop this small nation to a bigger one” Emmanuel Khamis stressed.

Bear me a witness that since when we got our peace through the signing of the CPA in 2005 till  we got independence I have never seen that a foreigner in the south Sudan have obtained a plot and has constructed it properly like the way other south Sudanese national did. To my fellow youth, our country have recently got independence so let us be patient because I know our government is trying its level best to see how more jobs can be established in our country in order to provide you with the opportunities you are searchinghe continued.





Joseph Edward: Mr. Joseph Edward Issa is a Graduate of Mass Communication, Supiri Institute of Management and Information Technology with five years of work experience in print and online media, currently correspondent to New Times a local newspaper, correspondent of the Theniles (www.theniles.org), Stringer of the Africa News Network (www.africanews.com) contributor of the www.groundreport.com www.allvoices.com and managing Editor of the The New Agenda blog. He is informed of the social, political and economically situation of the South Sudan. He has long background in border coverage, the ongoing debate between Sudan and South Sudan and Jonglei inter-community conflict. In mid 2013, he succeeds to be the leading researcher for Global Integrity, Mo Ibrahim Foundation Africa Index in South Sudan for 2013. He is also an active social media user, managing over fifteen social media groups, forums, blogs including twitter, Skype, LinkedIn. He has developed five blogs to reach the message of peace and advocate for human rights and rule of Law. The main are; The New Agenda, http://southsudanagenda.blogspot.com , The Initiative for Peace Communication Association http://southsudanfreemedia.blogspot.com , http://mayaculturalfoundatio.blogspot.com and http://peacejournalistsnetwork.com . The New Agenda blog is the most popular online media with five contributors across the country. It publishes stories which critical to the ongoing conflicts and promote democracy, peace and rule of law. He is also managing five facebook groups and four facebook pages to expand national debates. The main groups are: South Sudan Constitution review Forum, Horn of Africa Media Monitoring Committee and Voice of Women. The main facebook pages are: Peace Journalists Network and Initiative for Peace Communication Association. Based on his experience, I recommended Mr. Joseph Edward to undertake the research.
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