SPO Completed 3 days training

3 Days Training workshops on Democracy & Good Governance concluded.

CHITRAL:  Three Days long training workshop on the title of Democracy and Good governance ended here in a local hotel. The program was organized by strengthening Participatory Organization (SPO) a Peshawar based NGO. Representatives of 12 civil society organizations (Clusters, LSO) participated in the workshop.  During the workshop the stakeholders framed and developed strategy for reducing women suicide cases and ratio in Chitral. They planned for increasing and raising awareness among the women folk regarding bad impact of suicides and to aware them how be contest this disease and to be saved them from suicides. Besides it workers of different Union Councils were given the task to analyze and observe regarding carrying betterment and improvement in health and education sector. The stake holders were emphasized to conduct a survey to ascertain problems and issues of health and education department and submit their propels for possible solution of these problems to address public grievances. The participants were divided in four groups and they were given the task on different titles  to prepare presentations regarding good governance and democracy later on the team leader of each team briefed the stakeholders in their presentation in details on the given subject and title who ascertain merits and demerits of different systems and also proposed for carrying improvement in existing set up and to strengthen democracy.  All of the participants took keen interest in the workshop and termed it most beneficial and fruitfully for raising awareness and increasing their information regarding good governance and democracy. Program Officer of SPO Peshawar Miss Shabnam Nooreen and Regional Director Ijaz Qasim were facilitators of the workshop who thoroughly briefed the stakeholders on all aspects of good governance and how to enhance this system in the country. A large number of women representatives of different NGO also attended the workshop.

The stakeholders raised some points regarding public problems that main cause  of increasing ratio of women suicide cases is due to no Psychiatrist or any Psychologist in the hospitals of Chitral to treat such psycho cases to be decrease and overcome this problem. They expressed great concern over the 22 suicide cases in 2008 at Chitral. They analyzed the case by different angels and termed it due to lack of education, information, no proper treatment and attending of such psycho cases patients they also termed it due to lack of employment opportunities among the women folk and depriving from their basic rights. On the last day of the workshop senior journalist G.H. Farooqi correspondent APP delivered a lecture on the title of " Role of Media in Development" who tried  in his lecture to motivate and convince the participants for highlighting their problems, issues through print and electronic media as well as to promote their  traditional and cultural games by proper coverage of these festivals through different TV Channels to attract more and more domestic and foreign tourists to come here to be enthralled from these unique and interesting activities for development of the area and for promoting of these cultural heritages. Engineer Temour Shah of RCDS thanked the facilitators and all stake holders for taking keen interest in this workshop which would be declared mailing stone for strengthening democracy and reforming in good governance by mutual participatory. At last the stakeholders were asked to kick a signatory campaign for legislating regarding preserving the fragile and unique culture of Chitral especially of Kalash community to be persevered this precious cultural heritage for next generation. The following were the stake holders of the training workshop. Young Welfare Organization Sweer, Broze Community Welfare Organization, Asherandeh Welfare Society Kuragh, Terichmir Consulting Associated, Young Star Development Organization Drosh, Legal Aid Forum for Human Rights Chitral, Chitral Health Environmental Education Tuad Association, Legal Awareness Program for Human Rights, Koh Integrated Development Program, Rural Community Development Program, Social Welfare Organization and Kalsh Welfare Society.  
G.H. Farooqi PO Box No. 50 GPO Chitral Pakistan phone No. 03025989602, 0943-302295, 414418
Email: gulhamad@gmail.com

G. H. Farooqui: Free Lance Journalist from Chitral Pakistan and Human Rights Activist as well as Social Worker and Registered Volunteer
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