All that unfocused activity is making you tired and stressed because it isn’t helping you to do the things that produce the best results. Start the day by planning your day the day before so get organized. Take 15 minutes before you end your day to plan the first thing you’ll do the next day, and what you’ll need to do it so you can start your day right and get better results.
When you’re planning how you’ll start your day start with the most important thing you could do that day. If possible schedule your most important appointments, phone calls, and actions for first thing in the morning. Make sure whatever action you’ll be taking has a clear objective. If you have an appointment know exactly the outcome you expect from the appointment. The same holds true for phone calls. Know exactly who you will call, have an agenda for the call, and identify what you want to accomplish as a result of that call. Whether that be an appointment, an agreed upon next action, a referral, or a closed sale.
When you lack a clear objective you waste valuable time and you get poor results. You’re working harder than you need to and you aren’t getting the results you want because you don’t take the time to plan your success. When you don’t know exactly what you want from your actions you can’t expect to have them happen.