State Politicos Capitalizing On Mortgage Crisis For Career Development

(Reposted After Accidental Deletion While Editing)

I read recently that Terry Goddard, Arizona’s current attorney general,  has joined a Task Force supposedly to address the scam artists operating in Arizona after Obama’s claimed "rescue" was announced.

Below is a copy of a letter I sent to the Arizona legislature as a former 45 year resident and victim of state and federal governmental negligence to do their primary jobs and functions with respect to both regulation of commercial interests operating within the state, and also the border security issue which has progressively also victimized so many thousands of border state residents.

Dear Legislators:

I read with interest the interviews Mr. Goddard has been conducting on his now appointment and selection in the 10 state "Mortgage Foreclosure" Task Force. About four years too late, isn’t he? Actually, about fifteen if you count the ones now being lost by homeowners to those "state actor" HOA foreclosures also facilitated by the Arizona legislature’s progressive unconstitutional legislation with federal collusion, of course, for the benefit of U.S. developers and the federal, state and local municipal governments at private property owners expense selling what are no more than "use rights" as "ownership" rights.

My response to one such recent article is below, in which he attempted to shift blame for this "white collar criminal fraud" on simply the now ex-real estate agent taxpayer paid "advisors" when it is and was clear that Obama’s focus was to protect the foreign investors through those banks and simply paint it for the public as a "rescue" and help for those scammed homeowners by those lenders and agents pushing those loans for higher commissions, and the banks and even local governments themseles for those heavy front end fees and costs involved in those loans heavy with junk fees in addition, and control of the use also of those properties and those loans for as long as possible for their ultimate benefit and control.

In fact this claimed "rescue" it is nothing more than a means to facilitate more profit for the banks and flip those properties while continuing to collect those fees and added usurous costs in those "contracts" before eventual foreclosure, with the future plan quite apparent being setting up the "new legalized" Americans as the next patsies in what appears to be at this point a governmentally facilitated Ponzie scheme.  

Which now has been recyled twice, last time under during the Keating fiasco in the 80’s under Reagan. 

Along, of course, with a new group of retiree baby boomers from the East and Midwest drawn by all those ads the realtors are running in the East Coast and Midwestern newspapers on the cheap housing now available, after stealing them from the Reagan era group now in their 70’s and 80’s. 

And the fleeing liberal Californians also from the havoc they have wrecked in their own state due to their also progressive liberalism on both sides of the aisle – Republican big business corporate welfare liberalism and Democrat big business corporate welfare liberalsm, with just a shift in "corporate" group of beneficiary at the individual citizen’s expense.:

"Most of those unlawful mortgages were written California lenders, primarily Countrywide, Indy Mac and Bank of America per news reports and the bailout (With Bank of America after its purchase of Countrywide also and all that Treasury Department back room wheeling and dealing merely now makes them nothing more than a front for Merrill Lynch after the bank "bailout" of the Federal Reserve bank branches by the Federal Reserve and thus the entire "bailout" a fraud on the public to begin with, and which as an investment broker bundled and resold a great many of those mortgages to those foreign investors on the secondary markets to begin with).

And not mentioned is the contribution in these foreclosures of the scam HOAs that Arizona instituted as nothing more than "use rights" sold as "ownership" and "socialized housing" which are also responsible for most of them in their unregulated practices, overly restrictive maintenance standards and costs and that "extra" uncredited taxation which is what is leading to many losing their homes, especially the retirees and others on fixed incomes – incomes which did not "adjust" at all during the boom while property taxes skyrocketed.

As one who lost their home (and home state) after 45 years during this mortgage meltdown due to those unlawful statutes and "state" actors and actions, and also three illegal immigrant thefts during the past 10 – this "task force" is so he can promote himself in the race for Governor for 2010 and nothing more.

For years, when homeowners were being ripped off right and left by the state created HOAs (because they can even move faster than the mortgage companies, or act in collusion with them through the "industry" foreclosure lawyers associated within the Bar itself), Mr. Goddard simply posted notices to "Beware of foreclosure scams," that was the extent of his involvement on behalf ot the Arizonans who were paying his salaries and is supposed to address such criminal matters through his offices and high taxpayer paid staff members.

And he and all the lawyers he employs in that office must be playing Guitar Hero on their new stimulus provided computers from that taxpayer paid billion dollar grant to Silicon Valley (the largest recipient also on the Middle East wars, and domestic spying program now)…because his idea of prosecuting felons in that state that are involved in the white collar criminal activity going on in the real estate market there is posting notices on his website – or telling homeowners to go "file a lawsuit" (foreclosed on property owners don’t usually have five figure retainers, and he knows it) when that is HIS JOB – to represent Arizonans in capital criminal matters.

And stealing homes and equity without trials in many of these ongoing foreclosures due to the extenuating circumstances in lack of regulation in any manner whatsoever in Arizona of the real estate industry, banks and predatory lawyers engaged in this continuing practice is capital fraud, not civil fraud.

And they are setting up the illegals that they intend to legalize as the next victims, who won’t be able to read those 50 page loan docs in English since most Americans could not understand that speak fluent English. Or even those that have legal training and experience they are so full of legalese and double speak, and protective covenants for the lenders most of all not simply on repayment of the loans, but also care and upkeep of the properties themselves even with the heavy front end costs, down payments and junk fees that were charged also for most of those loans.

It appears now that the MO is that in another 20 years, another new generaton of retirees those brokers and agents then lure to Arizona with these "cheap" properties with their ads in the Chicago and East Coast newspapers on the great "deals" in Arizona real estate and homes once again can be fleeced then of theirs when their health starts to decline, and upkeep and maintenance then starts to also be affected due to physical or economic limitations.

Live there long enough, you see the practice in real estate flipping is contrived since there are more realtors and brokers, and lawyers in Arizona combined than the rest of the population, and is an "industry" in and of itself, recycled now ever 15-20 years on those 30 and 40 year notes. And no wonder such a high crime and transient state, with also the border issue factored in and the high costs of insurance as a result of that also negligence on the part of the federal and state government.

Without, of course disclosure to all those Midwestern and Easterners that are lured through the advertising done there as a place for "retirement." What should be stated is that now it is clear that the intent is merely for those seniors to be retired of their wealth and eventually their retirement home, is more like it.

This time, however, even many long term Arizonans have been affected due to their equity investments and lower wages paid than those in other states historically.

So watch out, because as you age or have any unexpected expenses such as an illegal immigrant theft or two from those cross borders auto or identity theft rings, YOU might be next, especially when you get elderly, ill or have a lot of equity built up, or Washington, the bankers, lawyers and real estate vipers decide they need another stimulus creating another one of these manipulated housing crisis there for the next generation of victims.

The intent of the financial sector and real estate "industry" leeches is that they want you to never own your home and keep control of it for as longer as possible until they relieve you of it on some trumped up "economic" meltdown, uncredited, nonconsensual property tax hikes using the state created HOAs and their "advisors", the foreclosure industry lawyers and management concerns that profit from property seizures,  or some trumped up "use right" violation (even a property enhancing improvement is subject to now state actor "approval" or legal  proceedings if "unapproved", to flip it then for their own portfolios or profit.

Obviously, the only motivation for his now involvement is purely a selfish one at the Arizonans expense – he now chooses to get involved about four years after the fact as a prelude to his run for Governorship in 2010.

Crime and criminal property theft is now a "job stimulus" creating "new jobs" for the foreclosure lawyers and real estate industries (members of two  the largest lobbying groups in Washington), and political careers of the state and federal legislators most of all.

While the AGs office just got a boost and bonues from some of that stimulus money to upgrade their computers so that all those taxpayer paid lawyers who sat on their hands while that white collar crime was going on can have the latest high tech gadgetry  for their video games, added to that now apparently the State of Arizona had the audacity to plead bankruptcy after not only receiving all those stimulus monies at even the foreclosed on homeowners expense, but has been collecting all those overpaid property taxes for at least 15 years while not having to provide many of those public services that have been unlawfully transferred to homeowners living in those HOAs.

Not to mention also collecting added bonuses in sales tax revenue due to the also unlawful privatization of the utility companies there which occurred after Palo Verde was built and paid for by the Arizona ratepayers (as, of course, a state governmental function and Arizona taxpayer "publicly" owned utility).  Of course, that "privatization" was also facilitated by Washington, who now inflicts their own added taxation through the Nuclear Regulatory Agency fines and penalties that are also passed now down to the rate payers in "emergency rate increases," such as the last one in order to bulk up the Wall Street investors portfolios at the Arizona citizen’s expense yet again.

I wonder how many foreign investors are in on that public/private partnership at this point?  Selling off and parceling out shares of one of our nuclear facilities to foreign interests definitely is not outside Washington and the bankers greed, that’s evident.

The excess revenue the state receives at this point is in the hundreds of billions, but appears until all the citizens are actually homeless or bankrupt, it is never enough.

But Goddard’s actions at this point in again as with the border issue also by state government officials, is being used for political reasons only and appearing to be doing something but doing really again nothing at all to either perform the jobs in which they have been entrusted, or protect the Arizona residents from criminal activity and abuse such as the open borders and this real estate fraud of which literally thousands of Arizonans at this point have been brutally victimized both personally, and economically.

And this is what is coming out of our law schools and those five figures for higher education? 

What a waste of Americans money to send them for post graduate or higher education at all these days, it appears for all the understanding that most now coming out of the "liberal" academic community have about American history, and our intended form of Constitutional government.

P.S.  And I also noted that new Governor Jan Brewer (Napolitano’s replacement, also negligently responsible for much of what has occurred during her six years of "nonaction" on behalf of Arizonans) also simply has a "beware" message on her website for some of these counselors that were the new "jobs" created by this manipulated crisis apparently Congress and Obama were speaking of. 

We are now ripping off people of their homes and property in order to provide "new jobs" and a "stimulus" for the foreclosure industry also at the federal and state level.  And now debating the second largest tax in history on top of it after that Cap & Trade scam, the federal Health Care Actuary Tax. 

The founders I’m sure are just so very proud of how our leaders have honored their sacrifice so many years ago – and Arizona’s too.  I’m sure Barry Goldwater and Carl Hayden are spinning in their graves about now.  While both had skeletons in their closet as almost any politician today does, what is now occurring "progressively" would outrage and sicken them.

And you might want to inform Ms. Brewer since she does also seem a bit clueless. 

She indicated in her article that mortgage companies don’t charge fees for information on your mortgage.  She is clearly not familiar at how usurous some of those loans actually were, after they were resold (since my original mortage back in 1994 was with a small mortgage company that was then bought out by Countrywide, prior to my having to refinance after the insurer (a globally now based one)  increased my home insurance to three times its original amount due to the boom and then also the outrageous fees charged by their vendor for their services after one claim filed in 20 years due to a kitchen fire which, due to the quality of construction, was much more damaging than it should have been, and the horrendous increase in property taxes which also occurred. 

Not to mention that fraudulent then action I subsequently was involved with in a small claims action (which was moved out of my own judicial district even)  in which two lawyers involved and provided by the insurers on a 12 year overcollection in HOA assessments then went so far as to manufacture evidence in order to "win" his case and a $14,000 legal fee award for a small claims matter they kept going for their profit for over a year and a half.  And unbeknownst to me I was paying for my own abuse through those unlawful HOA added property tax assessments for a private insurance policy also that afforded this dual defense on a small claims action which result was nothing more than state facilitated tyranny and added property theft.

The only refinance I could then secure at the time due to the amount of the claim itself was with that other unregulated California lender Indy Mac (whose home offices actually were in Michigan, with them also another state with high foreclosures – gee, I wonder why?).

When I had to go through the refinancing, the original lender, Countrywide, then attempted to charge me $35.00 just for the payoff figure for the loan, which "junk fee" wasn’t in my original loan and actually seemed odd since this wasn’t my first home and does appear that these deemed contracts are being unilaterally revised even after purchase as the new "industry standard," without at least one of the party’s express consent in the process.  

Since, of course, Congress afforded also these loan shark banks which primarily wrote most of those loans with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac  to not only rebundle and resell them to foreign investors, but also to actually sell the loans to other mortgage companies and "revise" them during the life of the loan with simply a "disclosure" as the only citizen protection for then those nonconsensual added clauses and riders. 

The extent of regulatory involvement appears to have been zip and these criminal "takings"  facilitated by Washington for those industries in merely legislating no protection at all for the public and citizens for the largest investment and purchase most any American makes – simply mere "disclosure" granted and given for the "state actor" banks that the terms can be unilaterally changed, with even skirting around due process protections in the Constition in allowance of even changes involving more fees, costs and financial control of the property in simply one of the parties to the original financial transactions making a "declaration" of a fundamental contractual revision altering its advantages and privileges under it or merely what legally is referred to as a "statement of intent" for a major financial transaction  and alteration of the ownership of you very own home?

Governmentally sanctioned criminal grand theft is more like it.

Buying a home today is nothing more than a liability and I’m sure most parents are telling their kids now that the American dream is nothing more than the American nightmare – in both costs of ownership, and risk.

So the Governor also, Ms. Brewer,  appears to be giving out somewhat false information also with respect to these loans, whether intentially or simply misinformed. 

But maybe if she took the time to actually read hers, or speak with some of the victims rather than posting inadequate and inaccurate notices on her website, she might even be able to also start doing her job and earning her high paid salary.

Many of the loans which are sold were also unlawfully based on not the U.S. prime, but London banking market rates.  Congress has been so hands off the Federal Reserve (another "agency" created by the Wilson Administration in 1913 unlawfully transferring printing of our currency to actually the European Central Banks, thus we were conquered by the British apparently once again without a shot being fired, who have manipulated our economy for their bankers welfare every since – and are now buying up some of the prime U.S. real estate market using their U.S. front banks which are all nothing more than Fed branches owned by those European Central Banks in one way or another). 

So when will our national anthem officially change from the Star Spangled Banner to God Save The Bankers? 

Betsy Ross: Betsy Ross is an American Constitutional Conserve-ative, former legal professional and long term resident of Phoenix, Arizona and writes on U.S. federal and state issues aimed with a Constitutional perspective on the blog, www.backupamerica.org.
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