Statements of the Beverly Hills Bar Association on Pakistan

The Beverly Hills Bar Association [BHBA], with
approximately 4,000 members, has long been in the forefront of
protecting human rights and advocating for an impartial and fair
Recent events in Pakistan, where Pervez Musharraf suspended
the National Constitution, detained eight members of the Supreme Court and arrested more than 1,500 Pakistani lawyers, deeply alarm us.
This is a clear breach of the rule of law and an attack on those who
are the very guardians of basic human rights – judges and lawyers. The freedom and liberty, not only of the Pakistani people, but of all
people, has been threatened by these acts.
We join in the statement of William H. Neukom, President of the
American Bar Association [ABA], which is as follows:
"Since Saturday, Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan has suspended
the national Constitution, detained eight members of the Supreme Courtand arrested more than 1,500 Pakistani lawyers. This is a profoundbreach of the rule of law. The American Bar Association urges Musharraf to rescind these actions immediately.
Courts are society’s referees. A judiciary that can impartially apply
fair rules, without outside interference, is a cornerstone of lawful
 Musharraf sought to justify his actions by citing the threat
of terrorism. But shutting down a nation’s lawful institutions of
justice will hurt, not help, the fight against terrorism.
The ABA, which represents more than 413,000 members worldwide, has alongstanding commitment to advancing the rule of law. When a nation’sConstitution is suspended, and its Supreme Court is shut down, that isa blow to the rule of law everywhere.The ABA therefore calls on all governments, bar associations and othercivil society organizations to support the rule of law, by using everypeaceful, legal means to persuade  Musharraf to restorejustice to the people of Pakistan."
We must remember what Benjamin Franklin said: "Any society that wouldgive up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve
neither and lose both."We stand in solidarity with our fellow attorneys, who are beingattacked, physically and otherwise, for protecting the judiciary, thepeople and the democratic institutions of government, against thisimproper seizure of power.We request that the United States do everything possible to restorethe rule of law in Pakista

Malik Muhammad Arif: Journalist & Writer, www.bharosanews.com
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