Stop Phobias: A Treatment Program for the Different Types of Phobias

A worker or employee reporting for work late isn’t uncommon.  Reasons for such tardiness vary, ranging from the justifiable to the flimsiest or most absurd of excuses.  But there was one that caught my attention more than three years ago involving a colleague at work.  He was late reporting for work a number of times because he’s scared of crossing bridges.  It turned out he lives in a place from where he had to traverse not one but two bridges to go to work.  He quit that job in less than two months.

The condition described above is a case of a simple phobia – often defined as an obsessive, senseless, persistent, intense fear of specific objects or situations.  Simple phobias are rather common; however, they seldom interfere with daily life.  People affected with any one of the different types of phobias consciously recognize that no actual danger is imminent.  They usually also can put their daily schedules in order to keep away from the object (or situation) they most fear.  This, obviously, wasn’t possible in that particular case of my ex-coworker.  Recently, though, I bumped into him in a car show and he mentioned that he has completely rid himself of his phobia – something that will be explained towards the end of this article.

Quite commonly, phobias take place in the neuroses and may be so forceful as to compel a person to change the way he lives in order to avoid the situations or circumstances that trigger his phobia.  A phobia is usually specific; some of the most common phobias are:  acrophobia (fear of heights); agoraphobia (fear of leaving the familiar setting of the home and being in a crowded or public place); claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces); mysophobia (fear of germs and dirt); and xenophobia (fear of strangers).

Some people suffer from social phobias; they keep away from social situations for fear that they become humiliated or embarrassed.  Without treatment, many phobic people become isolated within the confines of their homes.  Phobias represent a retention of some unresolved conflict.  It is believed that a particular phobia becomes symbolic of this conflict to the extent that the affected person places the true conflict out of his consciousness by focusing on the phobia.

During a recent chance encounter, the person who was my former colleague at work whom I mentioned at the beginning of this article has told me that he has completely cured himself of his phobia.  According to him, it took one specific, step-by-step treatment program, which he followed for no more than just ten minutes each day, for his condition to be successfully remedied.  Phobic people, suffering from any one of the different phobias, can definitely benefit from this very valuable treatment program.

Even if you think you’ve tried every possible cure or treatment for your phobia without success, you can actually stop your phobia or fear with the step-by-step treatment program that’s guaranteed to quickly give positive results in just 10 minutes a day.  Visit 5-Day NLP Phobia Release Program at Phobia Treatment Program.

For more health information, visit Round the Clock Health Guide.

Jim Lorenz: Jim Lorenz writes informative articles on various subjects. You are allowed to publish his articles in its entirety provided that the author's name, bio, and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.
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