Stop worrying, Dandruff has been cracked down

    Scientists have cracked the genetic secrets of the microbe that causes dandruff. The breakthrough holds out the prospect of effective treatment for one of life’s minor embarrassments and a possible goldmine for shampoo manufacturers.

    The researchers have mapped out the genome of Malassezia globosa, a fungus that lives and feeds on human skin, causing itching and the familiar silvery flakes that sprinkle the clothing of sufferers. The researchers say knowing the genome will give researchers vital clues on how to tackle the fungus, arresting its growth.

    “This research may well lead to an understanding of the conditions that lead to skin disease and treatment paradigms to alleviate the major impact that Malassezia species have on human and animal health,” said a research paper due for publication today.

    The team was led by Jun Xu, a researcher with Procter & Gamble, at its American centre in Cincinnati, Ohio. Twenty researchers at seven scientific institutions in America, Holland and Canada have worked to crack the dandruff genome.

    Those who may ultimately benefit include Gordon Brown, the prime minister, who has reportedly been among dandruff sufferers. Others afflicted have included John Lennon, Bill Gates, the Microsoft tycoon, and Brad Pitt, the Hollywood star. SUNDAY TIMES, LONDON

M. B. A. Baker:
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