Stressed or burnt-out?

Many people live a stressful life,many so much that they finally become exhausted.

Stress is the first warning signal.And here,you can still do something to prevent becoming burntout.

For those who become burnt-out,it´s often a long road back to a normal life.

It takes time to recharge your batteries and the fault is in the brain´s signal system.

Human beings are created for stress.The stress is a help in the effort to pass a session at a rapid pace.

Short term of stress is not dangerous.

When the stress lasted for a long time,it can turn out to burnout.

A burnt-out human being are emotionally empty,and are not involved in other people.

But they put themselves in defensive positions and may also become dpressed.

No one knows exactly how stress affects our sensitive brain,but one theory is that the interaction between the brain and the adrenal glands,which produce cortisol,is affected by constant stress.

When the cortisol is switched on for a long time,the brain has harder to send signals to the part of the brain where memory and deep sleep are.

The result is less memory and less sleep.

A few signs of burnout are:

You´ve difficult to remember name,time or important things in your work.

You´ve problems to concentrate on longer texts.

You find it difficult to do more than one thing at the same time.

You´re hypersensitive to light and sound.

You´ve problems to sleep,which leads to that you´re always tired.

You´re often angry or irritate.

You´ve problems to controlle your emotions.

Sven-Erik Sandal:
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