We walk out into the night,
The movie theater behind us.
The full moon and the endless stars
Beckon us and illuminate the night.
The ferry is our final destination.
And while the subway will speed us there,
Why rush on such a beautiful night
When there’s lasting memories to be created?
We turn onto Broadway,
And stroll down until it ends,
Until it merges with the street
That leads to the ferry.
The air is refreshingly pleasant,
Time is at a stand still,
And here we are on Broadway
Walking together, savoring the moment.
And through it all,
We chat about our lives,
About our problems with the rentals,
About other things that connect us together.
We find ourselves on the same frequency,
Realizing we share the same agony,
The same turmoil and frustration
Of being under the rentals’ wing.
We realize that we need to escape from their grasp,
From their control of our existence,
And set a path for ourselves,
Where we live and roam solo,
Where we make our lives the way we want to
And not the way they tell us should be.
We cannot let them control us any longer,
And have to set ourselves free,
But we are the only ones who can do that.
We are the only ones who can save us,
The only ones who can release
Ourselves from their grasp.
I start to feel that we’re one in the same,
That we’re a link in the chain,
That we are meant to be,
And I never want this moment to end.
Standing only inches apart,
I want to keep on walking forever
With you by my side,
And never get to that ferry,
Because the closer we get to the boat,
The closer the end of our time together,
Not just of our stroll down Broadway
But of the relationship that we have.
© 2008 by Lena Kovadlo. All rights reserved. Use with permission only.