Student Action Committee USA Chapter (SAC-USA) staged a successful protests in different cities of t

Student Action Committee USA Chapter (SAC-USA) staged a successful protests in different cities of the United States this weekend demanding immediate restoration of the pre-Nov 3 independent judiciary in Pakistan. The protests were held in New York City, NY (outside the Pakistani Consulate) and Boston, MA (in Harvard Yard) on March 15th and in Washington, DC (outside the Pakistani Embassy) on March 16th. The protestors condemned – in no uncertain terms- the unconstitutional acts of General (r) Musharraf which include the sacking of an independent judiciary, gagging of media and free speech, suspension of civil liberties and fundamental human rights and illegal detention of judges, lawyers and political opponents without any trial or charges. The protests attracted a large number of students from a number of universities including Harvard University, Massachussetts Institude of Technology, Tufts University, Fletcher School of Law, Boston University, Columbia University, New York University, Central University of New York, University of Connecticut, George Mason University, George Town University, George Washington University, Johns Hopkins University and other premier institutions in Boston, New York and Washington, DC areas.  Joining students in their demands were doctors, lawyers, academics, journalists and professionals of Pakistani origin and other members of American Civil Society.The protestors chanted "Bring the Judges Back," "No more Musharraf" and "No Justice, No Peace." The protests were addressed by a number of academics, students and other members of the civil society. All the protestors denounced the continued detention of the judges with their families, including the Chief Justice whose 8-year old disabled son has been kept in confinement with him and at times denied the medication he needs. They also emphasized the importance of free and independent judiciary for the development of democracy in a country and stressed the need for the US government to build a solid relationship with the people of Pakistan and support the democratic institutions including the restoration of judiciary.

Malik Muhammad Arif: Journalist & Writer, www.bharosanews.com
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