sucide on the decline after exam results

when i read this newstime in the Hindu that this year the sucide rates are greatly declined after the exams i was very happy that the media had reported the matter and that people are conscious of the fact that something can be done in thhis matter and not letting it as fate .

Sneha an organisation has done an yeoman  job in counselling students in this manner . i wanted to join this organisation and offer my services but I was politely refused as I was a journalist . Shena seems  to be especially active and managed to reduce the rates .

parents were also guided to know that by failing in exams your children has done a crime he can pick up in his studies if he has the guidance but once he takes his life nothing is left .

In the newspaper i also read about some people who made it better in life though they failed in their exams . such incidents tell us to keep us faith in ourselves .

As a journalist i would also add that newspaper can  report  more such positive incidents .

Kudos to the Hindu for doing it

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