Suicide bomber targets then destroys police headquarters building in Egypt, killing 12, wounding 100

Egyptian security and rescue officials inspect the scene of an explosion at a police headquarters which collapsed one side and pancaked floors.

A suicide bomber, driving a car packed with explosives, who rammed through the barricades around the police station in Mansoura and then detonated the car.

The 1:10 a.m. blast struck at the security headquarters in the city of Mansoura, 110 kilometers (70 miles) north of Cairo in the Nile Delta province of Daqahliya, collapsing an entire section and side wall of the five-floor building, incinerating dozens of cars outside and damaging several nearby buildings.

The state news agency MENA said 12 people were killed, including eight police officers, and that 134 were wounded, among them the city’s security chief and his assistant. Most of the victims were policemen, many of whom were buried beneath the debris.

“Mostafa Hadi, a policeman who survived the attack, said the blast sent him flying through the air moments after he had left the safety of his armoured lorry outside the headquarters.

“I heard a massive explosion behind me, I flew through glass and wreckage and then lost consciousness,” he said from his stretcher, his head swathed in a bandages” (source: Brotherhood blamed for deadly attack on Police headquarters building http://www.thenational.ae/world/middle-east/brotherhood-blamed-for-deadly-attack-on-egypt-police-headquarters).

The attack was the second on the headquarters since July, according to reports (source: Egyptian Officials point at Islamist group after blast destroys building http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/25/world/middleeast/egypt-car-bomb.html?_r=0).

This bomb blast came on the heels of another targeted attack against a police station in Port Said:
“Security services in Port Said thwarted on Sunday an attempt to detonate a bomb near a police station in the city. Security source said that the Port Said Security Directorate had received on Sunday morning a report of a suspicious item in Meadiyat Square, adjacent to the police department. Explosive experts arrive on scene to examine the item which was discovered to be a bomb, which they claim was ready to detonate. The experts then successfully deactivated it. Attacks on police stations and military personnel have become frequent since the ouster of former President Mohamed Morsy. Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers are often credited for the attacks” (source: Attempt to blow up police station in Port Said thwarted http://www.egyptindependent.com/news/attempt-blow-police-station-port-said-thwarted).
So far we have tracked over 2 dozen targeted attacks against police buildings and installations worldwide since mid 2013.
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