Summer is greate for relaxing going to holidays and stop working for a couple of weeks so you can enjoy life and freedom. But there is also a not so greate part to it. It is also the time to think about our health and the summer’s additional risks to our health.
1. The Skin Cancer – the most common form of cancer because of the one million people who are diagnosed with it every year. Skin Cancer is common to people who have spent lots of time in the sun or are sunburned, have fair skin hair and eyes, have a family member that already has skin cancer.
2. Eye Damage due to the Ultraviolets int he sunlight. Be sure to wear sunglasses that filter out UV lght.
3. Dehydration can happen quickly in the summer because of the heat. Make sure that you drink sufficient water and that you have a bottle of water near you when you stay long in the sun heat.
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