Superstitious youth kills his aunt

In another macabre incident, one young boy of twenty two murdered his aunt doubting that she was a witch. Fakir Murmu of Rairangpur of Orissa surrendered at the police station with the severed head of his aunt at 5:30 P.M. on 27th March 2011. 

In his statement, the twenty two year old Fakir has said that he doubted his aunt was doing various spells of black magic for which his father and other family members used to remain consistently sick.

 Frustrated, he made his mind to take revenge and finding one occasion, he chopped off the head of his aunt from her body, while she was feeding domestic animals. In the rural and tribal areas of Orissa, many women have been killed over the years only due the superstitious faith that they were witches.


SRIKANT MOHANTY: I am a freelance writer and journalist.

Bhubaneswar-751002, Orissa, India
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