Supreme Court of India banned,’Jallikattu’ a traditional festival game in Tamil Nadu.
"Jallikattu" is a traditional four century old game of valour participated by thousands of youngmen in taming a bull, sharp with its horns and whetted by its sponsors and organisers, especially during the pongal festival in the southern part of Tamil Nadu, especially in Alanganallur.
The Supreme Court of India taking cognisance of animal welfare boards plea forbids the holding of JALLIKATTU but it permitted to hold Recla race.
There was a mixed reaction for the ban from the people, especially from Alanganallur.Goddess Muthalamman will not tolerate the ban and the Goddess would soon show her reaction.Previously on one such occasion when Jallikattu was banned, immediately cholera spread almost entirely affecting the village.
Eventhough the intention behind the ban was good,Jallikattu had been in practice and had been a source of entertainment over a period of 400 years especially during the festival season.Certainly, the glamour of the Pongal festival is gone.
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