Supreme Court Ordered Ministers to Stay in Homes if they have Fear in Security

Supreme Court of India had made a very good order. As an Indian Citizen Citizen I am feeling Happy today.  As a democratic country people selecting their ministers . But these ministers are becoming nuisance for the same people. When a minister passing through a road all other people have to suffer. Traffic will be blocked and tight security will be there for these people. And why all these.


People selected them to serve our country. So at last Supreme Court made the right decision. Court orders that using police unnecessary for secure these ministers will not be allowed any more. And if any of them having security concern just sit in home or office. No more extra expense for arranging security or black cat protection and all.


Police is there to serve the society They are not the slaves to do patrolling for the house of the people who rule the country.. I think this move will l be so good for the entire police force


So This is going to be a start for change

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