At the time, Justice Anthony Kennedy, often a swing voter, pointed out that those living in “wilderness” areas often have a greater need to possess firearms.
Thursday’s ruling ends the capital city’s 32-year-ban on handguns.
Justice Antonin Scalia wrote for the majority Thursday that the right of individuals to possess firearms is backed by “the historical narrative” of the country.
Justice John Paul Stevens wrote the dissent, arguing that the framers of the constitution “made a choice to limit the tools available to elected officials wishing to regulate civilian uses of weapons.”
The high court broached the topic of gun rights in U.S. v. Miller in 1939. That ruling did not directly define the scope of the Second Amendment, though gun control advocates often cite it.
The decision will leave most states’ and cities’ current gun control laws in tact, writes SCOTUS blog. But some gun control proponents remain unconvinced. Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley, for one, called the ruling a “very frightening decision.”
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