Swedish classical massage.

The Swedish classical massage is a world-renowned thing.

The massage releases the ´´calm and peace´´ hormone oxytocin and the pain killer endorfin hormone in our bodies.

This makes us calmer and more relaxed and pain threshold is raised.

The effects of the massage are both rehabilitative and preventive for both body and soul.

Both the physical and psychological effects are positive.

Here are some of the positive things:

Flexible and make tense and sore muscles elastic.

Flexible connective tissue and prevent scars muscles after an injury.

Increases blood flow and oxygen and nutrition in the muscles.

Loosen seizures and lockups.

Increases the lympatic circulation and strengthens the immune system.

Helps to remove waste products,mainly lactic acid from muscles.

Drain swelling.

When the chest and back muscles relax,it improve and deepen the breathing.

Lower the blood pressure.

Increases performance and resilience.

Has a calming and relaxing effect on the nervous system.

The touch affected some of the body´s hormones positive,such as stress hormones,the digistive tract and the sleep hormones.

In today´s society is the need of massage big.

Many have a sedentary work,where they feel of the classical symtoms as mouse arm,computer neck and headache.

Sven-Erik Sandal:
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