The forced eviction of Wild Strawberries Movement at the Freedom Square this morning (Dec 11), just a few hours after the International Human Rights Day, shows the Taiwan government’s hypocrisy in the implementation of human rights .
On International Human Rights Day (12/10), Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou asked the Legislature to give endorsement to two international human rights documents (the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) to help implement human rights protection in Taiwan. The speech was made in Asian Democracy and Human Rights Award, an annual event organized by the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy.
However, four hours after the International Human Rights Day, police surrounded the protesters gathering in the Freedom Square and forced them to leave, including the student sit-in (Wild Strawberry Movement) and Taiwan Friends of Tibet.
The students has protested police brutality during Chen Yun-lin (陳雲林)’s visit to Taiwan and asked to revise the Parade and Assembly Law since 11/6. More students advocated this protest and started sit-in in Hsinchu, Taichung, Chia-Yi, Tainan, and Kaohsiung.
monika joined the sit-in and told her parents
è€å¸«å€‘也都連署è²æ´å¸ç”Ÿçš„è¨´æ±‚ï¼ŒåŠ å…¥å»£å ´ä¸Šçš„éœå,我們一起討論著人權的概念ã€è¨Žè«–甚麼å«åšæš´åŠ›ã€è‡ªç”±ï¼Œæˆ‘們å°æ–¼å°ç£ç¤¾æœƒ 都有著美好圖åƒçš„期待。我們渴望一個自由ã€æ°‘主æˆç†Ÿçš„公民社會,這個社會人人å¯ä»¥ç†æ€§å’Œå¹³åœ°è¡¨é”æ„è¦‹ï¼Œäººèˆ‡äººèƒ½å¤ äº’ç›¸å°Šé‡ã€è†è½ä¸åŒçš„æ„見,å‰æ就在於我 å€‘å¿…é ˆè‚¯èªè¨€è«–自由作為憲法的最高價值在公民社會的è½å¯¦ã€‚於是我們é¸æ“‡å在那è£ï¼Œè¡¨é”我們的æ„見,也渴望被ç†è§£ã€è¢«è½è¦‹ã€‚
Photo courtesy of oj
These sit-in students called their protest as “Wild Strawberry Movement.” sabinasun went to the sit-in and was amazed by what she saw:
這回野è‰èŽ“有許多çµåˆç§‘技和創æ„的表ç¾ï¼ŒåŒ…括自寫自唱〈野è‰èŽ“之æŒã€‰ï¼Œéˆæ´»é‹ç”¨ç¶²è·¯ç§‘技åšç¾å ´é›™èªžå³æ™‚轉æ’,è±å¯Œå¤šæ¨£çš„è¡— é åŠ‡å ´è¡¨æ¼”ï¼ŒæŠŠæŠ—è°ç•¶ä½œéŠæˆ²ï¼ŒæŠŠå£è™Ÿè®Šæˆé«”æ“ï¼Œç”šè‡³æŠŠä¸€å€‹æœ¬ä¾†æ˜¯è² é¢æ„義的「è‰èŽ“ã€ä»¥KUSOå½¢å¼è½‰è®Šç‚ºè‡ªæˆ‘èªåŒç¬¦ç¢¼ç‰ã€‚這一代的養æˆé›–åƒè‰èŽ“般稚嫩,但 看著å¸è‘—解嚴後公民社會å„å¼å„樣的街é 組織和集體行動,也æ„外早熟地蔓生起來。
During students’ sit-in, other protesters joined them, including original inhabitants of Sanying Aboriginal Community who were forcibly moved away from their homes. When police arrived at the Freedom Square at 3am on 12/11, about 100 Tibetans from Taiwan Friends of Tibet were also there to protest about their legal identity.
wenli received a phone call soon after the policemen surrounded the protesters.
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Hundreds of policemen surrounded 20-30 students gathering around the Strawberry Tower, the landmark there. Beside them, tents and the shelters for supplies were torn down, and some supplies fell on the floor. Some students, who were not surrounded by the policemen, tried to move some important supplies, e.g. generators and computers, to roadside. Most decorations were brought away by trucks or left on the floor and waited for the cleaners. Some students tried their best to rescue useful materials.
Photo courtesy of action1106
Students who were brought away from the Freedom Square came back three hours later. Some Tibetans who were brought away also came back later, and Taiwan Friends of Tibet is trying to find others. wenli said,
或許政府å¯ä»¥å°‡è‰èŽ“塔化為一æ†ç«¹ç«¿å’Œå¸ƒæ¢å †ç©è€Œæˆçš„瓦礫;或許è¦å¯Ÿå¯ä»¥å°‡å¸³ç¯·è§£é«”æˆéµæ¢å’Œå¸†å¸ƒçš„殘餘;或許這些物質上的æ 失,會æˆç‚ºç¾å ´æŒ‡æ®å®˜å‡é·æ•˜çŽçš„ä¾æ“šï¼›ä½†æ˜¯ï¼Œé‡Žè‰èŽ“é‹å‹•æœ¬èº«æ²’有å—到任何傷害,åè€Œæœƒå› ç‚ºé€™æ¬¡å‘åŠ£çš„å¤œè¥²è¡Œç‚ºï¼Œè€Œæ›´åŠ å‡èšäº†é‹å‹•çš„å‘å¿ƒåŠ›ã€‚å› ç‚ºï¼Œäººçš„ç²¾ç¥ž 和尊嚴,æ‰æ˜¯å¸ç”Ÿå€‘é‹å‹•çš„主體,而這是ä¸å¯èƒ½é€šéŽç‰©ç†æ‰‹æ®µåŠ 以æ毀的。
附帶一æ,è¦æ–¹é©…離的ç†ç”±ä¹‹ä¸€ï¼Œæ˜¯ä»¥äº¤é€šæ³•è¦å°‡ 野è‰èŽ“é‹å‹•è¦–為路障來處ç†ã€‚然而,幾個å°æ™‚當ä¸ï¼ŒçœŸæ£è¡Œé§›åœ¨å»£å ´ä¸Šçš„車輛,也åªæœ‰è¦æ–¹æ¸…é‹çš„å¡è»Šè€Œå·²ã€‚å°é€™å€‹åœ¨ä¸–界人權日çµæŸå¾Œå››å°æ™‚,便扯下å½å–„é¢å…·ï¼Œ 露出猙ç°é¢ç›®çš„政權來說,人權ä¸éŽæ˜¯å½¢åŒå…·æ–‡çš„兩個å—而已。它å¯ä»¥ç”¨æ–¼å…‰é®®äº®éº—çš„é ’çŽå…¸ç¦®ä¸Šï¼Œå»ä¸å…è¨±åœ¨å…¬å…±çš„å»£å ´ä¸Šè¢«å‘¼å–Šã€‚
To the government who took down its hypocritical mask and showed us its ferocious look four hours after the International Human Rights Day, human rights are only two words without any meaning. These two words are allowed to be used in a fabulous award ceremony but not allowed to be called out on a public square.
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This article was originally published by Global Voices as Taiwan: the government could not wait to harvest wild strawberries