Taslima Nasreen leaves India

 Taslima Nasreen, the Bangladesh writer in exile in India has proposed to leave India shortly due to personal reasons.She disclosed it over phone from her undisclosed residence in Delhi.

The Indian Government has recently extended her visa for a period of six months and Taslima is residing in some unknown residence in Delhi.Tasleema Nasreen is very much concerned that the Indian Government is not taking any steps to permit her to go back to Kolkatta.But she having been under confinement for over a period of six months for security and diplomatic reasons, is suffering from stress related hypertension and partly loosing her vision.If her illness remains unattended, she may develop high blood pressure and in the proces she may loose her vision and even her life.

Hence, Taslima has proposed to leave India to an unknown destination, perhaps Europe. However Taslima reaffirmed that her ultimate home is Kolkatta and India  and she would return to India sometimes, if she is healthy and alive.  

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