Gautam Roychoudhury, the history teacher of Panchpara High School, a co-educational institute was arrested on 17th June for mercilessly banging the head of a class IX student against the wall of the classroom. The girl, Sreeparna Das, lost consciousness as a result of the banging. Other teachers tended the girl and sent her back home.
Roychoudhury, in his late thirties caught the girl while taking to a classmate and ordered her out of the classroom. The girl took up the matter with the headmaster of the school claiming that she was innocent in the matter. On hearing that the girl has complained to the headmaster, the teacher went back to the classroom and beat up the girl severely before banging her head against the wall.
The guardians and residents of the area demonstrated at the school in the afternoon and the father of the girl thereafter lodged a complaint with the local police station. Consequently, the teacher was arrested from his home at night on the same day.
In an emergency meeting on the next day, the school Managing Committee (MC) recommended the District Inspector of Schools to suspend the teacher from service. The President of the MC said, ”We have cautioned Roychoudhury repeatedly, but he has never bothered to listen us.”
The headmaster of the school said, “Students have complained against the teacher several times in the past accusing him of negligence in teaching, smoking in the classroom, and beating up students at whims. He has been show-caused thrice in the past but he failed to mend his ways.”