Teacher of boarding – house told for boy homosexual – Jambol, Bulgaria

Teacher from boarding-house told that  situation of orphans is very bad. He told for awful families where parents tell there children to become prostitutes. They have no good example.  The money are little. And there is a boy who raping little boys. He told him to stop,because want to stop this actions from the boy. The boy before that was sexually raped. Now this is cause of theses acts on him.  Children need from friendshop and goog advises and even psychologist. They all have tradegy in their life. They need financial help. Jambol is small town and need from more investitors. There are many children who fall in prostitution because the society don’t help them.









Nina Mindova: I was born in Jambol, Bulgaria. Autress of six books. Graduated Bulgarian phylology in Plovdiv, and now studies in capital Sofia.
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