Team Building & Bullying – What can it do for you

Success of any sort start starts with a positive attitude. Can you have a positive outlook on your life if you don’t have a positive image of who you are? At Empower Us, we use team games to encourage young people of all ages the importance an individual can bring to a team.

This is done by using the games to create a safe, fun and healthy environment where all participants are encouraged to speak up and give it a go. Through this process, we are able to identify and focus on the strengths and talents of each individual.

Check also for Personal Development Plan

At the conclusion of each game, we ask each participant to answer a series of questions that are designed to identify the positive skills and achievements by each member throughout the game. This allows the participants to personally recognize the positive events that have occurred and in turn breaks down the social barriers that may be present between the team members.

As the different participants are able to identify and share the positive achievements of their teammates they will in turn Build Self confidence and allow other participants to get more involved. The more opportunities we are given as humans in a safe and positive environment, the more likely we are to give it a go and improve the image we have of you.

By increasing the Build Self confidence of a participant and allowing them to show their strengths and talents to a group of people, we reduce the social barrier that is in place. This in turn results in a higher degree of acceptance of an individual amongst his or her peers by providing Personal Development Camps and team building events.

Having people of empowerment around you will encourage you to pursue your dreams. The importance of a team or a mentor who will guide you and pick you up when you are feeling down or pull you back in line when you get off course. By haring your dreams and goals with someone you trust you have made yourself more accountable. As humans we do not like to let anyone down and can make it that bit easier to push through the hard times. Finally, having someone to share your victories with will increase your confidence to higher and higher levels.

Empower Us specializes in helping teams and individuals, Team Development Plan, build confidence, Leadership Motivational speaker, set goals and celebrate the achievement at the end of the journey. From sporting clubs to corporate teams our focus is to fit your needs. The website is a tool where people can come to find information about our services such as Team building Events, Corporate Team Building Program, Leadership Motivational speaker and what we can do for each individual.

Glenn Gerber:
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