How Technology Helps when Your Workers Need a Break

The situation in the labor market is all but peaceful. While today there are companies that really give their workers outstanding work conditions, the largest number of employees in startups and other businesses have limited rights. What new business owners need to know is that they should never exploit their employees, since such a treatment will always result in lower productivity [source]. At least nowadays it is easy to create an inspiring and encouraging work environment in every sort of business. And when the workers are on a break, tech solutions come in handy to entertain them, as well as to keep them healthy.

Abundant lounge area

Of course, there will be differences in the type of work breaks from business to business. It is clear that a carpenter’s workshop cannot offer the same perks as a mid-sized IT business. Still, there are some common features that every business owner can afford. One of them is definitely a well-organized lounge area. It does not have to be a special room, but an adapted and separated corner of one of your offices. Here you should install a few comfortable armchairs or bean bags. Also, they do not have to be new models; second-hand items in a fine condition will do.

Furthermore, you need a larger TV and/or a gaming console in the lounge area. That way your employees can relax from work by watching movies, listening to music or play video games. On top of it all, this TV can also be used as a monitor, too.


Consoles for better shape

Speaking of gaming consoles, they could be a great add-on to your lounge area not only for the sake of entertainment, but they could have some health benefits, too. It is old news that employees that sit a lot have serious problems with back pain and heart diseases [source]. These health issues cost companies a lot of money annually. If you do not want to lose your workers due to health problems, as well as to improve their physical shape, you should install one or more Wii or Wii Fit consoles to your relaxation office area. Unlike regular, sedentary gaming consoles, this type forces players to move a lot. So, if your workers spend their half-an-hour break playing such games, they will come back to their work station relaxed and it will help them get into better physical shape.

Free Wi-Fi for employees

This might seem too optimistic, but yes, you should offer your workers free access to your Wi-Fi network(s). If their productivity is already low, it will not get any worse if they can spend a few minutes an hour on the web. On the other hand, reliable and conscientious employees will not start falling behind only because they have free Wi-Fi. What matters here is to ensure that the connection for workers is different from the one used for business purposes. To provide a fast enough connection, you should include telstra broadband plans to your supreme business agenda. When you have unlimited data transfer, the Internet is used in a much simpler and faster way.


Although employees should also be encouraged to leave the office during their lunch or other breaks, having a lounge area and additional benefits cannot harm your business. Also, if your workers feel that you care about them and do not patronize them, they will show a higher level of commitment to your business, which will lead to higher productivity.

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