Ted Kennedy Constituents Unhappy With Caroline’s Withdrawal

It was on November 4 of 2008 in which Democratic nominee Senator Barack Obama of Illinois won by a landslide victory against GOP rival Senator John McCain of Arizona. Days after that, Obama would vacate his seat in the United States Senate to prepare for the transition from the George W. Bush administration to the Barack Obama administration.

Obama would nominate Hillary Rodham Clinton to be the next US Secretary of State. Clinton is wife to former US President Bill Clinton. She is a former US First Lady. Afterwards, Clinton became a New York Senator. Afterwards, she became a co-frontrunner in the Democratic primary contest. With Clinton being confirmed as the next US Secretary of State, it leaves her Senate seat vacant and open.

The question is: Who is going to fill it?

Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of assassinated former President John F. Kennedy had expressed interest in taking up the position as Clinton’s replacement. During the Democratic primary, she and her uncle Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts gave their endorsements to Obama.

Kennedy said that if picked, she would have to work twice as hard. However, Kennedy dropped her bid to be appointed as Clinton’s replacement in the US Senate. She withdrew her bid for the US Senate. So far, she said it was for personal reasons.

I informed Governor Paterson today that for personal reasons I am withdrawing my name from consideration for the United States Senate,” Kennedy said.

She said that her reasons had nothing to do with her uncle collapsing during the inauguration luncheon on January 20.

However, that may not be the whole story. In an article in the New York Times, there are factors about taxes and her housekeeper. According to a source close to Paterson, it seems that he was not planning to pick Kennedy to fill Clinton’s seat. An aide to Kennedy said that personal issues could and would arise.

Regardless of the reasons Kennedy withdrew her bid it looks like Ted Kennedy’s constituents are not too pleased with this decision. This is in regards to allegations that the decision was influenced by the brain tumor. Many close to Ted Kennedy are not too pleased.

It makes him look like he is at death’s door,” said an aide close to Senator Kennedy.

Again, Kennedy said that her withdrawal was for personal reasons. She did not mention her uncle’s health condition as a reason. So far, Caroline Kennedy did not give an explanation on the withdrawal. What will be the political fallout? We will have to wait and find out. It certainly looks like Ted Kennedy’s inner circle is not too pleased with the outcome.

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