Categories: BusinessUS

Teen author releases violation photos; Publish America continues to call him a “Liar”

The public spat between Publish America and their teen author continues to fastly grow into an uproar. Earlier this morning, the teen released violation photos, of a woman who spoke to Publish America and bluntly says "Derick Goff’s real age according to his publisher".

According to sources, the teen has contacted the Better Business Bureau of Maryland, and reportedly the New York Post.

Derick said this via Twitter "Publish America does NOT own me. Whether they release my books or not, my books will be re-printed under a different publisher, or self published BY me personally. I fell prey to this vile company, and I will not stand to let them control me any longer".


Coming from the land of a 16 year old, that’s a pretty rough statement to say.  Derick says "Publish America contiinues to deny claims of a privacy violation, and even took it as far as threatening to sue me for exposing them to be a fraud company. Sad right?  They really are one nasty company, and secretive at that. Refusal to give names of contacts at the company, never have a straight answer, yet they can give the answers I’e been searching for to the general public…. I don’t think so… I’m done with Publish America from this point, my contract no longer exists.".


An alleged video of Derick speaking on Publish America, is said to hit Youtube later this morning.

1 of 2 violation photos can be viewed below. Twitter user @Faghagmom reveals she spoke to Publish America, and recieved several different personal details on Derick.



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