There are many telecom companies like Airtel,Reliance,Vodaphone,Bsnl etc.But one thing is though everyday tgey reduce call rates to be alive in competition of the world.But in this they cheat customers only.See now Mobile users are many and also it is increasing day by day.So they know that public is not going to do anything because without sim mobile will be of no use.So they cheat us.One customer of Vodaphone filed a case at Customer Court few months back because they were telling that if any customer calls some number (They give to their customers) they can win some of 1 lakh rupees.Just imagine there are more than 50 lakhs customers of Vodaphone in India and they just select 1 person from that?What about other persons who calls?U know call rates to call that number? Rs6 per call.It means if 1,00,000 customer from 50 lakhs customers calls that numbers,the company earns sum of 60,00,000 Rs and they just give 1 prize?Amazing na?This is the first thing they cheat on us.So Court gave decision on customer side and Vodaphone was made a fine of 50,000 Rs.In this many ways they cheat us.
Filed under: Media & Tech, Opinion
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