Tension,Fullfillment and Contentment : Abundance of Materialistic Posesions and Pleasures

Today man has countless material possessions to live an easy life.He can reach anywhere around the globe in hours and can talk to anybobody in any corner of the world in seconds.The need for physical work has been mostly replaced by machines.But he is breaking and loosing contact from his own self resulting into the development of anxiety,tension,depression and lack of satisfaction,fulfillment and contentment.Present brought,changed and replaced many things so fast that peace of mind was lost.
Explosive abundance of money resulted in evolving more and more materialistic things for increased enjoyment but at the same time increased the lust for money.Money was not so easy to earn for possessing and enjoying all these materialistic pleasures.Limited and hard sources of money pushed the man to get money through many illegal and immoral ways which further deprived him from peace of mind.
Nuclear power explosion not only increased the serious thinking of conscious men but it also lead to sleepless nights of leaders of many powerful nations.But common man was not so concerned and affected by it because his needs were not concerned with it.Only the heads political leadership of powerful countries was affected by it.
Sexual lust is the second reason.Sexual explosion and exposure shocked the youth of many countries having strict social norms.Due to new definition of sexual pleasures,young boys and girls of such countries started to revolt against their parents,society and social norms which resulted in the loss of peace of kids as well as the aged.
Today every family,particularly the youth are longing and yearning for limitless freedom which they often label as open-mindedness.Bosses,heads,owners,servants,children,kids,young males and females want complete freedom and that too without barriers.But centuries old social norms were not so easy to break.So due to slowly but steadily increasing number of broken families,every human being is becoming sad,lonely,tired,anguished and angry which became the main reasons for anxiety and depression.Those sleeping under the same roof started to behave and feel as if they are strangers to each other.Members of a family today hardly sit and together.They don’t open their hearts out even among themselves.This creates tension among all,male,female,young,old,kids and children.To add to it,internet and tv channels showing obscene and arousing pictures increased lust for many things leading to countless social vices.
Today many social workers,religious leaders and philosophers are writing,speaking and even opening institutions offering courses to get rid of tension caused due to prevalence of all these things.
In reality when we have a deep look inside our own self it becomes clear that tensions are less related to outside pressures and more to our own self.The next question is who knows you best? The answer is that nobody knows you more than you know yourself.Every human being is original,unique and different from each other.Every person have some unique features,physical as well as mental,which makes him different from all.Even the leaves of a plant are different from each other and so are we.People hardly tread the path of past generations.Overall the condition of present humanity is just like a fish requesting for training to swim.If fish can’t learn to swim even while living in water,then none can teach or train her to swim.As far as the question of how to live a perfect life is concerned,different people have different views but some hints become apparent from their way of living and attitude towards life.
A thoughtfully and carefully selected way and mental set up can be useful.Negativity always brings sadness.Sometimes we get ourselves entrapped in such situations that neither we can get rid of them nor tell or ask for help from anyone.Thoughts are the feed of our brain.Changing thoughts changes life.If there is hope for thoughts which are clean,clear,true,positive and pious then there is no chance of developing tension.Moving away from nature and careless attitude towards it often increases tension through complex ways.We should preserve,conserve and live with the nature.
Happiness is everywhere and all around us but we do not our cannot attach and relate it to our present.As M.Naumi said "For heavenly hearts,earth is heaven and for earthly hearts,heaven is earth."
Aristotle advised to try to remain happy always,everywhere and and in all circumstances.Never think nagative.Future never comes as future but always appear as present right in front of our eyes.Today’s future is tommorrow’s present.Leave behind the hopes about future and learn to remain happy in present because physically you will be always living in present.There is no medicine in the world that can help you remain happy forever.
Laughter and sexual pleasure are deeply integrated with each other and happiness.Both five fulfillment,contentment and peace.All thoughts momentarily stop and mind becomes blank.This definitely decreases tension.Both appear same and synergestic.Only in such conditions man can really come close to himself.Ultimate happiness comes at this stage.After this man feels himself submerged in the ocean of peace.This is a type of yoga and the best way to get rid of tension.Laughter is mostly without logic because logical things hardly bring laughter.Laughter makes us different from animals.
Meditation is another way to make your mind blank.But todays fast life hardly gives us time for such things.Man is even not aware of the fact that why he came into existence,from where and for what purpose and where is to finally go.This thing resulted in the emergence of religions.Life passes away astonishingly,silently and without understanding.Today almost every human activity is mechanised and man has become dependent upon machines.
To get rid of tension,anxiety,depression and have a feeling of fulfillment and contentment,live in present,know yourself and see the inside of your own self.Everything will emerge out from your own inside.
                                                                                                                                                                               – Dr.Navraj Singh Sandhu          TENSION,ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION DEVELOPS DUE TO LACK OF FULLFILLMENT AND CONTENTMENT IN LIFE EVEN WHEN THERE IS ABUNDANCE OF MATERIALISTIC PLEASURES AND POSSESSIONS.
Today man has countless material possessions to live an easy life.He can reach anywhere around the globe in hours and can talk to anybobody in any corner of the world in seconds.The need for physical work has been mostly replaced by machines.But he is breaking and loosing contact from his own self resulting into the development of anxiety,tension,depression and lack of satisfaction,fulfillment and contentment.Present brought,changed and replaced many things so fast that peace of mind was lost.
Explosive abundance of money resulted in evolving more and more materialistic things for increased enjoyment but at the same time increased the lust for money.Money was not so easy to earn for possessing and enjoying all these materialistic pleasures.Limited and hard sources of money pushed the man to get money through many illegal and immoral ways which further deprived him from peace of mind.
Nuclear power explosion not only increased the serious thinking of conscious men but it also lead to sleepless nights of leaders of many powerful nations.But common man was not so concerned and affected by it because his needs were not concerned with it.Only the heads political leadership of powerful countries was affected by it.
Sexual lust is the second reason.Sexual explosion and exposure shocked the youth of many countries having strict social norms.Due to new definition of sexual pleasures,young boys and girls of such countries started to revolt against their parents,society and social norms which resulted in the loss of peace of kids as well as the aged.
Today every family,particularly the youth are longing and yearning for limitless freedom which they often label as open-mindedness.Bosses,heads,owners,servants,children,kids,young males and females want complete freedom and that too without barriers.But centuries old social norms were not so easy to break.So due to slowly but steadily increasing number of broken families,every human being is becoming sad,lonely,tired,anguished and angry which became the main reasons for anxiety and depression.Those sleeping under the same roof started to behave and feel as if they are strangers to each other.Members of a family today hardly sit and together.They don’t open their hearts out even among themselves.This creates tension among all,male,female,young,old,kids and children.To add to it,internet and tv channels showing obscene and arousing pictures increased lust for many things leading to countless social vices.
Today many social workers,religious leaders and philosophers are writing,speaking and even opening institutions offering courses to get rid of tension caused due to prevalence of all these things.
In reality when we have a deep look inside our own self it becomes clear that tensions are less related to outside pressures and more to our own self.The next question is who knows you best? The answer is that nobody knows you more than you know yourself.Every human being is original,unique and different from each other.Every person have some unique features,physical as well as mental,which makes him different from all.Even the leaves of a plant are different from each other and so are we.People hardly tread the path of past generations.Overall the condition of present humanity is just like a fish requesting for training to swim.If fish can’t learn to swim even while living in water,then none can teach or train her to swim.As far as the question of how to live a perfect life is concerned,different people have different views but some hints become apparent from their way of living and attitude towards life.
A thoughtfully and carefully selected way and mental set up can be useful.Negativity always brings sadness.Sometimes we get ourselves entrapped in such situations that neither we can get rid of them nor tell or ask for help from anyone.Thoughts are the feed of our brain.Changing thoughts changes life.If there is hope for thoughts which are clean,clear,true,positive and pious then there is no chance of developing tension.Moving away from nature and careless attitude towards it often increases tension through complex ways.We should preserve,conserve and live with the nature.
Happiness is everywhere and all around us but we do not our cannot attach and relate it to our present.As M.Naumi said "For heavenly hearts,earth is heaven and for earthly hearts,heaven is earth."
Aristotle advised to try to remain happy always,everywhere and and in all circumstances.Never think nagative.Future never comes as future but always appear as present right in front of our eyes.Today’s future is tommorrow’s present.Leave behind the hopes about future and learn to remain happy in present because physically you will be always living in present.There is no medicine in the world that can help you remain happy forever.
Laughter and sexual pleasure are deeply integrated with each other and happiness.Both five fulfillment,contentment and peace.All thoughts momentarily stop and mind becomes blank.This definitely decreases tension.Both appear same and synergestic.Only in such conditions man can really come close to himself.Ultimate happiness comes at this stage.After this man feels himself submerged in the ocean of peace.This is a type of yoga and the best way to get rid of tension.Laughter is mostly without logic because logical things hardly bring laughter.Laughter makes us different from animals.
Meditation is another way to make your mind blank.But todays fast life hardly gives us time for such things.Man is even not aware of the fact that why he came into existence,from where and for what purpose and where is to finally go.This thing resulted in the emergence of religions.Life passes away astonishingly,silently and without understanding.Today almost every human activity is mechanised and man has become dependent upon machines.
To get rid of tension,anxiety,depression and have a feeling of fulfillment and contentment,live in present,know yourself and see the inside of your own self.Everything will emerge out from your own inside.
                                                                                                                                                                               – Dr.Navraj Singh Sandhu          TENSION,ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION DEVELOPS DUE TO LACK OF FULLFILLMENT AND CONTENTMENT IN LIFE EVEN WHEN THERE IS ABUNDANCE OF MATERIALISTIC PLEASURES AND POSSESSIONS.
Today man has countless material possessions to live an easy life.He can reach anywhere around the globe in hours and can talk to anybobody in any corner of the world in seconds.The need for physical work has been mostly replaced by machines.But he is breaking and loosing contact from his own self resulting into the development of anxiety,tension,depression and lack of satisfaction,fulfillment and contentment.Present brought,changed and replaced many things so fast that peace of mind was lost.
Explosive abundance of money resulted in evolving more and more materialistic things for increased enjoyment but at the same time increased the lust for money.Money was not so easy to earn for possessing and enjoying all these materialistic pleasures.Limited and hard sources of money pushed the man to get money through many illegal and immoral ways which further deprived him from peace of mind.
Nuclear power explosion not only increased the serious thinking of conscious men but it also lead to sleepless nights of leaders of many powerful nations.But common man was not so concerned and affected by it because his needs were not concerned with it.Only the heads political leadership of powerful countries was affected by it.
Sexual lust is the second reason.Sexual explosion and exposure shocked the youth of many countries having strict social norms.Due to new definition of sexual pleasures,young boys and girls of such countries started to revolt against their parents,society and social norms which resulted in the loss of peace of kids as well as the aged.
Today every family,particularly the youth are longing and yearning for limitless freedom which they often label as open-mindedness.Bosses,heads,owners,servants,children,kids,young males and females want complete freedom and that too without barriers.But centuries old social norms were not so easy to break.So due to slowly but steadily increasing number of broken families,every human being is becoming sad,lonely,tired,anguished and angry which became the main reasons for anxiety and depression.Those sleeping under the same roof started to behave and feel as if they are strangers to each other.Members of a family today hardly sit and together.They don’t open their hearts out even among themselves.This creates tension among all,male,female,young,old,kids and children.To add to it,internet and tv channels showing obscene and arousing pictures increased lust for many things leading to countless social vices.
Today many social workers,religious leaders and philosophers are writing,speaking and even opening institutions offering courses to get rid of tension caused due to prevalence of all these things.
In reality when we have a deep look inside our own self it becomes clear that tensions are less related to outside pressures and more to our own self.The next question is who knows you best? The answer is that nobody knows you more than you know yourself.Every human being is original,unique and different from each other.Every person have some unique features,physical as well as mental,which makes him different from all.Even the leaves of a plant are different from each other and so are we.People hardly tread the path of past generations.Overall the condition of present humanity is just like a fish requesting for training to swim.If fish can’t learn to swim even while living in water,then none can teach or train her to swim.As far as the question of how to live a perfect life is concerned,different people have different views but some hints become apparent from their way of living and attitude towards life.
A thoughtfully and carefully selected way and mental set up can be useful.Negativity always brings sadness.Sometimes we get ourselves entrapped in such situations that neither we can get rid of them nor tell or ask for help from anyone.Thoughts are the feed of our brain.Changing thoughts changes life.If there is hope for thoughts which are clean,clear,true,positive and pious then there is no chance of developing tension.Moving away from nature and careless attitude towards it often increases tension through complex ways.We should preserve,conserve and live with the nature.
Happiness is everywhere and all around us but we do not our cannot attach and relate it to our present.As M.Naumi said "For heavenly hearts,earth is heaven and for earthly hearts,heaven is earth."
Aristotle advised to try to remain happy always,everywhere and and in all circumstances.Never think nagative.Future never comes as future but always appear as present right in front of our eyes.Today’s future is tommorrow’s present.Leave behind the hopes about future and learn to remain happy in present because physically you will be always living in present.There is no medicine in the world that can help you remain happy forever.
Laughter and sexual pleasure are deeply integrated with each other and happiness.Both five fulfillment,contentment and peace.All thoughts momentarily stop and mind becomes blank.This definitely decreases tension.Both appear same and synergestic.Only in such conditions man can really come close to himself.Ultimate happiness comes at this stage.After this man feels himself submerged in the ocean of peace.This is a type of yoga and the best way to get rid of tension.Laughter is mostly without logic because logical things hardly bring laughter.Laughter makes us different from animals.
Meditation is another way to make your mind blank.But todays fast life hardly gives us time for such things.Man is even not aware of the fact that why he came into existence,from where and for what purpose and where is to finally go.This thing resulted in the emergence of religions.Life passes away astonishingly,silently and without understanding.Today almost every human activity is mechanised and man has become dependent upon machines.
To get rid of tension,anxiety,depression and have a feeling of fulfillment and contentment,live in present,know yourself and see the inside of your own self.Everything will emerge out from your own inside.
                                                                                                                                                                               – Dr.Navraj Singh Sandhu          TENSION,ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION DEVELOPS DUE TO LACK OF FULLFILLMENT AND CONTENTMENT IN LIFE EVEN WHEN THERE IS ABUNDANCE OF MATERIALISTIC PLEASURES AND POSSESSIONS.
Today man has countless material possessions to live an easy life.He can reach anywhere around the globe in hours and can talk to anybobody in any corner of the world in seconds.The need for physical work has been mostly replaced by machines.But he is breaking and loosing contact from his own self resulting into the development of anxiety,tension,depression and lack of satisfaction,fulfillment and contentment.Present brought,changed and replaced many things so fast that peace of mind was lost.
Explosive abundance of money resulted in evolving more and more materialistic things for increased enjoyment but at the same time increased the lust for money.Money was not so easy to earn for possessing and enjoying all these materialistic pleasures.Limited and hard sources of money pushed the man to get money through many illegal and immoral ways which further deprived him from peace of mind.
Nuclear power explosion not only increased the serious thinking of conscious men but it also lead to sleepless nights of leaders of many powerful nations.But common man was not so concerned and affected by it because his needs were not concerned with it.Only the heads political leadership of powerful countries was affected by it.
Sexual lust is the second reason.Sexual explosion and exposure shocked the youth of many countries having strict social norms.Due to new definition of sexual pleasures,young boys and girls of such countries started to revolt against their parents,society and social norms which resulted in the loss of peace of kids as well as the aged.
Today every family,particularly the youth are longing and yearning for limitless freedom which they often label as open-mindedness.Bosses,heads,owners,servants,children,kids,young males and females want complete freedom and that too without barriers.But centuries old social norms were not so easy to break.So due to slowly but steadily increasing number of broken families,every human being is becoming sad,lonely,tired,anguished and angry which became the main reasons for anxiety and depression.Those sleeping under the same roof started to behave and feel as if they are strangers to each other.Members of a family today hardly sit and together.They don’t open their hearts out even among themselves.This creates tension among all,male,female,young,old,kids and children.To add to it,internet and tv channels showing obscene and arousing pictures increased lust for many things leading to countless social vices.
Today many social workers,religious leaders and philosophers are writing,speaking and even opening institutions offering courses to get rid of tension caused due to prevalence of all these things.
In reality when we have a deep look inside our own self it becomes clear that tensions are less related to outside pressures and more to our own self.The next question is who knows you best? The answer is that nobody knows you more than you know yourself.Every human being is original,unique and different from each other.Every person have some unique features,physical as well as mental,which makes him different from all.Even the leaves of a plant are different from each other and so are we.People hardly tread the path of past generations.Overall the condition of present humanity is just like a fish requesting for training to swim.If fish can’t learn to swim even while living in water,then none can teach or train her to swim.As far as the question of how to live a perfect life is concerned,different people have different views but some hints become apparent from their way of living and attitude towards life.
A thoughtfully and carefully selected way and mental set up can be useful.Negativity always brings sadness.Sometimes we get ourselves entrapped in such situations that neither we can get rid of them nor tell or ask for help from anyone.Thoughts are the feed of our brain.Changing thoughts changes life.If there is hope for thoughts which are clean,clear,true,positive and pious then there is no chance of developing tension.Moving away from nature and careless attitude towards it often increases tension through complex ways.We should preserve,conserve and live with the nature.
Happiness is everywhere and all around us but we do not our cannot attach and relate it to our present.As M.Naumi said "For heavenly hearts,earth is heaven and for earthly hearts,heaven is earth."
Aristotle advised to try to remain happy always,everywhere and and in all circumstances.Never think nagative.Future never comes as future but always appear as present right in front of our eyes.Today’s future is tommorrow’s present.Leave behind the hopes about future and learn to remain happy in present because physically you will be always living in present.There is no medicine in the world that can help you remain happy forever.
Laughter and sexual pleasure are deeply integrated with each other and happiness.Both five fulfillment,contentment and peace.All thoughts momentarily stop and mind becomes blank.This definitely decreases tension.Both appear same and synergestic.Only in such conditions man can really come close to himself.Ultimate happiness comes at this stage.After this man feels himself submerged in the ocean of peace.This is a type of yoga and the best way to get rid of tension.Laughter is mostly without logic because logical things hardly bring laughter.Laughter makes us different from animals.
Meditation is another way to make your mind blank.But todays fast life hardly gives us time for such things.Man is even not aware of the fact that why he came into existence,from where and for what purpose and where is to finally go.This thing resulted in the emergence of religions.Life passes away astonishingly,silently and without understanding.Today almost every human activity is mechanised and man has become dependent upon machines.
To get rid of tension,anxiety,depression and have a feeling of fulfillment and contentment,live in present,know yourself and see the inside of your own self.Everything will emerge out from your own inside.
                                                                                                                                                                               – Dr.Navraj Singh Sandhu          TENSION,ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION DEVELOPS DUE TO LACK OF FULLFILLMENT AND CONTENTMENT IN LIFE EVEN WHEN THERE IS ABUNDANCE OF MATERIALISTIC PLEASURES AND POSSESSIONS.
Today man has countless material possessions to live an easy life.He can reach anywhere around the globe in hours and can talk to anybobody in any corner of the world in seconds.The need for physical work has been mostly replaced by machines.But he is breaking and loosing contact from his own self resulting into the development of anxiety,tension,depression and lack of satisfaction,fulfillment and contentment.Present brought,changed and replaced many things so fast that peace of mind was lost.
Explosive abundance of money resulted in evolving more and more materialistic things for increased enjoyment but at the same time increased the lust for money.Money was not so easy to earn for possessing and enjoying all these materialistic pleasures.Limited and hard sources of money pushed the man to get money through many illegal and immoral ways which further deprived him from peace of mind.
Nuclear power explosion not only increased the serious thinking of conscious men but it also lead to sleepless nights of leaders of many powerful nations.But common man was not so concerned and affected by it because his needs were not concerned with it.Only the heads political leadership of powerful countries was affected by it.
Sexual lust is the second reason.Sexual explosion and exposure shocked the youth of many countries having strict social norms.Due to new definition of sexual pleasures,young boys and girls of such countries started to revolt against their parents,society and social norms which resulted in the loss of peace of kids as well as the aged.
Today every family,particularly the youth are longing and yearning for limitless freedom which they often label as open-mindedness.Bosses,heads,owners,servants,children,kids,young males and females want complete freedom and that too without barriers.But centuries old social norms were not so easy to break.So due to slowly but steadily increasing number of broken families,every human being is becoming sad,lonely,tired,anguished and angry which became the main reasons for anxiety and depression.Those sleeping under the same roof started to behave and feel as if they are strangers to each other.Members of a family today hardly sit and together.They don’t open their hearts out even among themselves.This creates tension among all,male,female,young,old,kids and children.To add to it,internet and tv channels showing obscene and arousing pictures increased lust for many things leading to countless social vices.
Today many social workers,religious leaders and philosophers are writing,speaking and even opening institutions offering courses to get rid of tension caused due to prevalence of all these things.
In reality when we have a deep look inside our own self it becomes clear that tensions are less related to outside pressures and more to our own self.The next question is who knows you best? The answer is that nobody knows you more than you know yourself.Every human being is original,unique and different from each other.Every person have some unique features,physical as well as mental,which makes him different from all.Even the leaves of a plant are different from each other and so are we.People hardly tread the path of past generations.Overall the condition of present humanity is just like a fish requesting for training to swim.If fish can’t learn to swim even while living in water,then none can teach or train her to swim.As far as the question of how to live a perfect life is concerned,different people have different views but some hints become apparent from their way of living and attitude towards life.
A thoughtfully and carefully selected way and mental set up can be useful.Negativity always brings sadness.Sometimes we get ourselves entrapped in such situations that neither we can get rid of them nor tell or ask for help from anyone.Thoughts are the feed of our brain.Changing thoughts changes life.If there is hope for thoughts which are clean,clear,true,positive and pious then there is no chance of developing tension.Moving away from nature and careless attitude towards it often increases tension through complex ways.We should preserve,conserve and live with the nature.
Happiness is everywhere and all around us but we do not our cannot attach and relate it to our present.As M.Naumi said "For heavenly hearts,earth is heaven and for earthly hearts,heaven is earth."
Aristotle advised to try to remain happy always,everywhere and and in all circumstances.Never think nagative.Future never comes as future but always appear as present right in front of our eyes.Today’s future is tommorrow’s present.Leave behind the hopes about future and learn to remain happy in present because physically you will be always living in present.There is no medicine in the world that can help you remain happy forever.
Laughter and sexual pleasure are deeply integrated with each other and happiness.Both five fulfillment,contentment and peace.All thoughts momentarily stop and mind becomes blank.This definitely decreases tension.Both appear same and synergestic.Only in such conditions man can really come close to himself.Ultimate happiness comes at this stage.After this man feels himself submerged in the ocean of peace.This is a type of yoga and the best way to get rid of tension.Laughter is mostly without logic because logical things hardly bring laughter.Laughter makes us different from animals.
Meditation is another way to make your mind blank.But todays fast life hardly gives us time for such things.Man is even not aware of the fact that why he came into existence,from where and for what purpose and where is to finally go.This thing resulted in the emergence of religions.Life passes away astonishingly,silently and without understanding.Today almost every human activity is mechanised and man has become dependent upon machines.
To get rid of tension,anxiety,depression and have a feeling of fulfillment and contentment,live in present,know yourself and see the inside of your own self.Everything will emerge out from your own inside.
                                                                                                                                                                               – Dr.Navraj Singh Sandhu          TENSION,ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION DEVELOPS DUE TO LACK OF FULLFILLMENT AND CONTENTMENT IN LIFE EVEN WHEN THERE IS ABUNDANCE OF MATERIALISTIC PLEASURES AND POSSESSIONS.
Today man has countless material possessions to live an easy life.He can reach anywhere around the globe in hours and can talk to anybobody in any corner of the world in seconds.The need for physical work has been mostly replaced by machines.But he is breaking and loosing contact from his own self resulting into the development of anxiety,tension,depression and lack of satisfaction,fulfillment and contentment.Present brought,changed and replaced many things so fast that peace of mind was lost.
Explosive abundance of money resulted in evolving more and more materialistic things for increased enjoyment but at the same time increased the lust for money.Money was not so easy to earn for possessing and enjoying all these materialistic pleasures.Limited and hard sources of money pushed the man to get money through many illegal and immoral ways which further deprived him from peace of mind.
Nuclear power explosion not only increased the serious thinking of conscious men but it also lead to sleepless nights of leaders of many powerful nations.But common man was not so concerned and affected by it because his needs were not concerned with it.Only the heads political leadership of powerful countries was affected by it.
Sexual lust is the second reason.Sexual explosion and exposure shocked the youth of many countries having strict social norms.Due to new definition of sexual pleasures,young boys and girls of such countries started to revolt against their parents,society and social norms which resulted in the loss of peace of kids as well as the aged.
Today every family,particularly the youth are longing and yearning for limitless freedom which they often label as open-mindedness.Bosses,heads,owners,servants,children,kids,young males and females want complete freedom and that too without barriers.But centuries old social norms were not so easy to break.So due to slowly but steadily increasing number of broken families,every human being is becoming sad,lonely,tired,anguished and angry which became the main reasons for anxiety and depression.Those sleeping under the same roof started to behave and feel as if they are strangers to each other.Members of a family today hardly sit and together.They don’t open their hearts out even among themselves.This creates tension among all,male,female,young,old,kids and children.To add to it,internet and tv channels showing obscene and arousing pictures increased lust for many things leading to countless social vices.
Today many social workers,religious leaders and philosophers are writing,speaking and even opening institutions offering courses to get rid of tension caused due to prevalence of all these things.
In reality when we have a deep look inside our own self it becomes clear that tensions are less related to outside pressures and more to our own self.The next question is who knows you best? The answer is that nobody knows you more than you know yourself.Every human being is original,unique and different from each other.Every person have some unique features,physical as well as mental,which makes him different from all.Even the leaves of a plant are different from each other and so are we.People hardly tread the path of past generations.Overall the condition of present humanity is just like a fish requesting for training to swim.If fish can’t learn to swim even while living in water,then none can teach or train her to swim.As far as the question of how to live a perfect life is concerned,different people have different views but some hints become apparent from their way of living and attitude towards life.
A thoughtfully and carefully selected way and mental set up can be useful.Negativity always brings sadness.Sometimes we get ourselves entrapped in such situations that neither we can get rid of them nor tell or ask for help from anyone.Thoughts are the feed of our brain.Changing thoughts changes life.If there is hope for thoughts which are clean,clear,true,positive and pious then there is no chance of developing tension.Moving away from nature and careless attitude towards it often increases tension through complex ways.We should preserve,conserve and live with the nature.
Happiness is everywhere and all around us but we do not our cannot attach and relate it to our present.As M.Naumi said "For heavenly hearts,earth is heaven and for earthly hearts,heaven is earth."
Aristotle advised to try to remain happy always,everywhere and and in all circumstances.Never think nagative.Future never comes as future but always appear as present right in front of our eyes.Today’s future is tommorrow’s present.Leave behind the hopes about future and learn to remain happy in present because physically you will be always living in present.There is no medicine in the world that can help you remain happy forever.
Laughter and sexual pleasure are deeply integrated with each other and happiness.Both five fulfillment,contentment and peace.All thoughts momentarily stop and mind becomes blank.This definitely decreases tension.Both appear same and synergestic.Only in such conditions man can really come close to himself.Ultimate happiness comes at this stage.After this man feels himself submerged in the ocean of peace.This is a type of yoga and the best way to get rid of tension.Laughter is mostly without logic because logical things hardly bring laughter.Laughter makes us different from animals.
Meditation is another way to make your mind blank.But todays fast life hardly gives us time for such things.Man is even not aware of the fact that why he came into existence,from where and for what purpose and where is to finally go.This thing resulted in the emergence of religions.Life passes away astonishingly,silently and without understanding.Today almost every human activity is mechanised and man has become dependent upon machines.
To get rid of tension,anxiety,depression and have a feeling of fulfillment and contentment,live in present,know yourself and see the inside of your own self.Everything will emerge out from your own inside.
                                                                                                                                                                               – Dr.Navraj Singh Sandhu          TENSION,ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION DEVELOPS DUE TO LACK OF FULLFILLMENT AND CONTENTMENT IN LIFE EVEN WHEN THERE IS ABUNDANCE OF MATERIALISTIC PLEASURES AND POSSESSIONS.
Today man has countless material possessions to live an easy life.He can reach anywhere around the globe in hours and can talk to anybobody in any corner of the world in seconds.The need for physical work has been mostly replaced by machines.But he is breaking and loosing contact from his own self resulting into the development of anxiety,tension,depression and lack of satisfaction,fulfillment and contentment.Present brought,changed and replaced many things so fast that peace of mind was lost.
Explosive abundance of money resulted in evolving more and more materialistic things for increased enjoyment but at the same time increased the lust for money.Money was not so easy to earn for possessing and enjoying all these materialistic pleasures.Limited and hard sources of money pushed the man to get money through many illegal and immoral ways which further deprived him from peace of mind.
Nuclear power explosion not only increased the serious thinking of conscious men but it also lead to sleepless nights of leaders of many powerful nations.But common man was not so concerned and affected by it because his needs were not concerned with it.Only the heads political leadership of powerful countries was affected by it.
Sexual lust is the second reason.Sexual explosion and exposure shocked the youth of many countries having strict social norms.Due to new definition of sexual pleasures,young boys and girls of such countries started to revolt against their parents,society and social norms which resulted in the loss of peace of kids as well as the aged.
Today every family,particularly the youth are longing and yearning for limitless freedom which they often label as open-mindedness.Bosses,heads,owners,servants,children,kids,young males and females want complete freedom and that too without barriers.But centuries old social norms were not so easy to break.So due to slowly but steadily increasing number of broken families,every human being is becoming sad,lonely,tired,anguished and angry which became the main reasons for anxiety and depression.Those sleeping under the same roof started to behave and feel as if they are strangers to each other.Members of a family today hardly sit and together.They don’t open their hearts out even among themselves.This creates tension among all,male,female,young,old,kids and children.To add to it,internet and tv channels showing obscene and arousing pictures increased lust for many things leading to countless social vices.
Today many social workers,religious leaders and philosophers are writing,speaking and even opening institutions offering courses to get rid of tension caused due to prevalence of all these things.
In reality when we have a deep look inside our own self it becomes clear that tensions are less related to outside pressures and more to our own self.The next question is who knows you best? The answer is that nobody knows you more than you know yourself.Every human being is original,unique and different from each other.Every person have some unique features,physical as well as mental,which makes him different from all.Even the leaves of a plant are different from each other and so are we.People hardly tread the path of past generations.Overall the condition of present humanity is just like a fish requesting for training to swim.If fish can’t learn to swim even while living in water,then none can teach or train her to swim.As far as the question of how to live a perfect life is concerned,different people have different views but some hints become apparent from their way of living and attitude towards life.
A thoughtfully and carefully selected way and mental set up can be useful.Negativity always brings sadness.Sometimes we get ourselves entrapped in such situations that neither we can get rid of them nor tell or ask for help from anyone.Thoughts are the feed of our brain.Changing thoughts changes life.If there is hope for thoughts which are clean,clear,true,positive and pious then there is no chance of developing tension.Moving away from nature and careless attitude towards it often increases tension through complex ways.We should preserve,conserve and live with the nature.
Happiness is everywhere and all around us but we do not our cannot attach and relate it to our present.As M.Naumi said "For heavenly hearts,earth is heaven and for earthly hearts,heaven is earth."
Aristotle advised to try to remain happy always,everywhere and and in all circumstances.Never think nagative.Future never comes as future but always appear as present right in front of our eyes.Today’s future is tommorrow’s present.Leave behind the hopes about future and learn to remain happy in present because physically you will be always living in present.There is no medicine in the world that can help you remain happy forever.
Laughter and sexual pleasure are deeply integrated with each other and happiness.Both five fulfillment,contentment and peace.All thoughts momentarily stop and mind becomes blank.This definitely decreases tension.Both appear same and synergestic.Only in such conditions man can really come close to himself.Ultimate happiness comes at this stage.After this man feels himself submerged in the ocean of peace.This is a type of yoga and the best way to get rid of tension.Laughter is mostly without logic because logical things hardly bring laughter.Laughter makes us different from animals.
Meditation is another way to make your mind blank.But todays fast life hardly gives us time for such things.Man is even not aware of the fact that why he came into existence,from where and for what purpose and where is to finally go.This thing resulted in the emergence of religions.Life passes away astonishingly,silently and without understanding.Today almost every human activity is mechanised and man has become dependent upon machines.
To get rid of tension,anxiety,depression and have a feeling of fulfillment and contentment,live in present,know yourself and see the inside of your own self.Everything will emerge out from your own inside.
                                                                                                                                                                               – Dr.Navraj Singh Sandhu          TENSION,ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION DEVELOPS DUE TO LACK OF FULLFILLMENT AND CONTENTMENT IN LIFE EVEN WHEN THERE IS ABUNDANCE OF MATERIALISTIC PLEASURES AND POSSESSIONS.
Today man has countless material possessions to live an easy life.He can reach anywhere around the globe in hours and can talk to anybobody in any corner of the world in seconds.The need for physical work has been mostly replaced by machines.But he is breaking and loosing contact from his own self resulting into the development of anxiety,tension,depression and lack of satisfaction,fulfillment and contentment.Present brought,changed and replaced many things so fast that peace of mind was lost.
Explosive abundance of money resulted in evolving more and more materialistic things for increased enjoyment but at the same time increased the lust for money.Money was not so easy to earn for possessing and enjoying all these materialistic pleasures.Limited and hard sources of money pushed the man to get money through many illegal and immoral ways which further deprived him from peace of mind.
Nuclear power explosion not only increased the serious thinking of conscious men but it also lead to sleepless nights of leaders of many powerful nations.But common man was not so concerned and affected by it because his needs were not concerned with it.Only the heads political leadership of powerful countries was affected by it.
Sexual lust is the second reason.Sexual explosion and exposure shocked the youth of many countries having strict social norms.Due to new definition of sexual pleasures,young boys and girls of such countries started to revolt against their parents,society and social norms which resulted in the loss of peace of kids as well as the aged.
Today every family,particularly the youth are longing and yearning for limitless freedom which they often label as open-mindedness.Bosses,heads,owners,servants,children,kids,young males and females want complete freedom and that too without barriers.But centuries old social norms were not so easy to break.So due to slowly but steadily increasing number of broken families,every human being is becoming sad,lonely,tired,anguished and angry which became the main reasons for anxiety and depression.Those sleeping under the same roof started to behave and feel as if they are strangers to each other.Members of a family today hardly sit and together.They don’t open their hearts out even among themselves.This creates tension among all,male,female,young,old,kids and children.To add to it,internet and tv channels showing obscene and arousing pictures increased lust for many things leading to countless social vices.
Today many social workers,religious leaders and philosophers are writing,speaking and even opening institutions offering courses to get rid of tension caused due to prevalence of all these things.
In reality when we have a deep look inside our own self it becomes clear that tensions are less related to outside pressures and more to our own self.The next question is who knows you best? The answer is that nobody knows you more than you know yourself.Every human being is original,unique and different from each other.Every person have some unique features,physical as well as mental,which makes him different from all.Even the leaves of a plant are different from each other and so are we.People hardly tread the path of past generations.Overall the condition of present humanity is just like a fish requesting for training to swim.If fish can’t learn to swim even while living in water,then none can teach or train her to swim.As far as the question of how to live a perfect life is concerned,different people have different views but some hints become apparent from their way of living and attitude towards life.
A thoughtfully and carefully selected way and mental set up can be useful.Negativity always brings sadness.Sometimes we get ourselves entrapped in such situations that neither we can get rid of them nor tell or ask for help from anyone.Thoughts are the feed of our brain.Changing thoughts changes life.If there is hope for thoughts which are clean,clear,true,positive and pious then there is no chance of developing tension.Moving away from nature and careless attitude towards it often increases tension through complex ways.We should preserve,conserve and live with the nature.
Happiness is everywhere and all around us but we do not our cannot attach and relate it to our present.As M.Naumi said "For heavenly hearts,earth is heaven and for earthly hearts,heaven is earth."
Aristotle advised to try to remain happy always,everywhere and and in all circumstances.Never think nagative.Future never comes as future but always appear as present right in front of our eyes.Today’s future is tommorrow’s present.Leave behind the hopes about future and learn to remain happy in present because physically you will be always living in present.There is no medicine in the world that can help you remain happy forever.
Laughter and sexual pleasure are deeply integrated with each other and happiness.Both five fulfillment,contentment and peace.All thoughts momentarily stop and mind becomes blank.This definitely decreases tension.Both appear same and synergestic.Only in such conditions man can really come close to himself.Ultimate happiness comes at this stage.After this man feels himself submerged in the ocean of peace.This is a type of yoga and the best way to get rid of tension.Laughter is mostly without logic because logical things hardly bring laughter.Laughter makes us different from animals.
Meditation is another way to make your mind blank.But todays fast life hardly gives us time for such things.Man is even not aware of the fact that why he came into existence,from where and for what purpose and where is to finally go.This thing resulted in the emergence of religions.Life passes away astonishingly,silently and without understanding.Today almost every human activity is mechanised and man has become dependent upon machines.
To get rid of tension,anxiety,depression and have a feeling of fulfillment and contentment,live in present,know yourself and see the inside of your own self.Everything will emerge out from your own inside.
                                                                                                                                                                               – Dr.Navraj Singh Sandhu          TENSION,ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION DEVELOPS DUE TO LACK OF FULLFILLMENT AND CONTENTMENT IN LIFE EVEN WHEN THERE IS ABUNDANCE OF MATERIALISTIC PLEASURES AND POSSESSIONS.
Today man has countless material possessions to live an easy life.He can reach anywhere around the globe in hours and can talk to anybobody in any corner of the world in seconds.The need for physical work has been mostly replaced by machines.But he is breaking and loosing contact from his own self resulting into the development of anxiety,tension,depression and lack of satisfaction,fulfillment and contentment.Present brought,changed and replaced many things so fast that peace of mind was lost.
Explosive abundance of money resulted in evolving more and more materialistic things for increased enjoyment but at the same time increased the lust for money.Money was not so easy to earn for possessing and enjoying all these materialistic pleasures.Limited and hard sources of money pushed the man to get money through many illegal and immoral ways which further deprived him from peace of mind.
Nuclear power explosion not only increased the serious thinking of conscious men but it also lead to sleepless nights of leaders of many powerful nations.But common man was not so concerned and affected by it because his needs were not concerned with it.Only the heads political leadership of powerful countries was affected by it.
Sexual lust is the second reason.Sexual explosion and exposure shocked the youth of many countries having strict social norms.Due to new definition of sexual pleasures,young boys and girls of such countries started to revolt against their parents,society and social norms which resulted in the loss of peace of kids as well as the aged.
Today every family,particularly the youth are longing and yearning for limitless freedom which they often label as open-mindedness.Bosses,heads,owners,servants,children,kids,young males and females want complete freedom and that too without barriers.But centuries old social norms were not so easy to break.So due to slowly but steadily increasing number of broken families,every human being is becoming sad,lonely,tired,anguished and angry which became the main reasons for anxiety and depression.Those sleeping under the same roof started to behave and feel as if they are strangers to each other.Members of a family today hardly sit and together.They don’t open their hearts out even among themselves.This creates tension among all,male,female,young,old,kids and children.To add to it,internet and tv channels showing obscene and arousing pictures increased lust for many things leading to countless social vices.
Today many social workers,religious leaders and philosophers are writing,speaking and even opening institutions offering courses to get rid of tension caused due to prevalence of all these things.
In reality when we have a deep look inside our own self it becomes clear that tensions are less related to outside pressures and more to our own self.The next question is who knows you best? The answer is that nobody knows you more than you know yourself.Every human being is original,unique and different from each other.Every person have some unique features,physical as well as mental,which makes him different from all.Even the leaves of a plant are different from each other and so are we.People hardly tread the path of past generations.Overall the condition of present humanity is just like a fish requesting for training to swim.If fish can’t learn to swim even while living in water,then none can teach or train her to swim.As far as the question of how to live a perfect life is concerned,different people have different views but some hints become apparent from their way of living and attitude towards life.
A thoughtfully and carefully selected way and mental set up can be useful.Negativity always brings sadness.Sometimes we get ourselves entrapped in such situations that neither we can get rid of them nor tell or ask for help from anyone.Thoughts are the feed of our brain.Changing thoughts changes life.If there is hope for thoughts which are clean,clear,true,positive and pious then there is no chance of developing tension.Moving away from nature and careless attitude towards it often increases tension through complex ways.We should preserve,conserve and live with the nature.
Happiness is everywhere and all around us but we do not our cannot attach and relate it to our present.As M.Naumi said "For heavenly hearts,earth is heaven and for earthly hearts,heaven is earth."
Aristotle advised to try to remain happy always,everywhere and and in all circumstances.Never think nagative.Future never comes as future but always appear as present right in front of our eyes.Today’s future is tommorrow’s present.Leave behind the hopes about future and learn to remain happy in present because physically you will be always living in present.There is no medicine in the world that can help you remain happy forever.
Laughter and sexual pleasure are deeply integrated with each other and happiness.Both five fulfillment,contentment and peace.All thoughts momentarily stop and mind becomes blank.This definitely decreases tension.Both appear same and synergestic.Only in such conditions man can really come close to himself.Ultimate happiness comes at this stage.After this man feels himself submerged in the ocean of peace.This is a type of yoga and the best way to get rid of tension.Laughter is mostly without logic because logical things hardly bring laughter.Laughter makes us different from animals.
Meditation is another way to make your mind blank.But todays fast life hardly gives us time for such things.Man is even not aware of the fact that why he came into existence,from where and for what purpose and where is to finally go.This thing resulted in the emergence of religions.Life passes away astonishingly,silentl

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