Tensions Between The US And Venezuela Heat Up Over ‘Pilot Error’?

So far, the tensions between the United States and Venezuela look to be rising up once again. This time, the trigger is an incursion of an American anti-drug aircraft that went into Venezuela’s airspace. Now, both countries are arguing that if it was intentional or it was accidental.

So far, the pilot of the US aircraft said that he “found” the error and contacted the Venezuelan authorities. This is what the US State Department has said.

But, Venezuela’s Defense Minister Gustavo Rangel Briceno said that the incursion into its airspace was intentional. According to Briceno, he says that it is possible that the United States Government is “testing” them. He also adds that they think this is an action taken by the United States Navy.

While the pilot said it was an accident, Venezuela’s government believes that it was on purpose. In short, the United States and Venezuela are tense with each other in regards to the U.S. anti-drug plane flying into Venezuelan airspace. This could be in the headlines for quite awhile.

This incident may even fuel more tensions between both countries. It would not be surprising if the tensions become a hot button topic in the US presidential race between presumed GOP nominee Senator John McCain of Arizona and the eventual Democratic nominee.

Senators Barack Obama of Illinois and Hillary Clinton of New York are still fighting it out for the Democratic Party’s nomination.

Can Tran:
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