In the evening of March 22 on TV-show of channel “Russia” anchored by Mr. Solovyev, V. Zhirinovsky expressed his mind about bloody events in Brussels: “Now terror attacks have been committed in Europe, and will go on. But for us it’s very gainful. Let them die and die. For what do you all wait? Let them go to us and ask us”.
We all know that V. Zhirinovsky is used to sound the hidden ideas of the Kremlin leader. But it was so cynical and impudent! It must be some threat there. And the threat is because the up-to-date Muslim terrorism has been developed initially and completely in Moscow by KGB. In general terrorism at the state level was only Soviet tool. From the very beginning it was an element of hybrid war developed by Soviet Joint Staff in the 20-30th of the last century.
It’s not a secret for anyone that Ms. Putin is waging hybrid war in Europe. Terror attacks of last time accurately refer to the important events and have pro-Russian political context. As obvious example there were terror attacks on November 13, 2015 in Paris, realized apparently in a hurry on the eve of G20 meeting (on November 15-16, 2015) in Istanbul where not-shake-hands Putin aspired to break through diplomatic boycott.
Now we see terror attacks in Brussels taken place after acceptance of five principles by EU Foreign Affairs Council that will be basis to mutual relations with Russia. These principles are sustained in hard form and unequivocally specify that improvement of relations with Russia is possible just after its refusal of “Russian spring” results of 2014.
In day of terror attack realization Russian court had to pass sentence upon Ukrainian woman – pilot, N. Savchenko who is considered as a victim of Putin political regime in Europe, the USA and in the most other world countries. Next day the important visit of the US State Secretary to Moscow was expected.
So you could accuse me of conspiracy, but these terror attacks in Brussels look very evident like the Kremlin disaffection demonstration with EU policy on the one hand. On the other hand it looks like desire to draw world attention away from Savchenko case and to demonstrate to the US State Secretary its importance in fighting terrorism.
Thus, the statement of the odious politician V. Zhirinovsky should be considered not as crazy chatter of the Russian chauvinist, but as the considered and cynical threat of the Kremlin to the whole world.