Thai Movie " PEE MAK" at Myanmar Cinema Hall

Thai movie" Pee Mak" has been shown at cinema halls of Yangon and  Mandalay.Many people have gone and watched it. Shortage of tickets happened. Number of audiences at cinema halls lowered since more than 10 years . That’s because home-videos and TV.video and many channels of government allowed.

Quality of Myanmar movies has been lowered and member of Myanmar Motion Picture Organization has seek causes for it.

After release of governmental constraints, Myanmar movbies are about ghost and also sex, people said. But they cannot like such movie for not artistic and not fair.

Many of Myanmae people could notlike local ghost-movies and local humour movies.

But PEE MAK has many Myanmar audiences. Photo is of Nay Pyi Taw Cinema Hall with Pee mak yesterday.

Dr. Khin Myint Oo:
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